this right here, I know in my damn bones that this'll be the map, prepare to find humor in it

  • garbology [he/him]
    4 years ago

    filming of police officers illegal

    Doing this via laws is not the GOP playbook at the moment. They're stacking the courts with the "activist judges" that they accuse the Dems of, who will rule that cops taking/breaking cameras is covered by qualified immunity somehow.

    The chuds love doing it via court cases because judges aren't really democratically removeable and explaining that it's now illegal to film cops because of a court cases that strengthens qualified immunity is so jargony that the average disengaged American's eyes glaze over even trying to understand what they they should be angry about.

    Plus, it makes the Dems look like they're weakening existing cop "rights" to pass laws to undo this kind of shit.

    • Vayeate [they/them]
      4 years ago

      its already illegal to film cops without telling them in certain states. due to wiretapping laws that are horribly bent to serve this purpose

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      As another commenter pointed out, they've already made it illegal to film cops without telling them in some states.

      In my state in the deep rural south, they made "attacks on law enforcement" into a hate crime and it passed with 100% approval from both Republicans and Dems in my state.

      Make no mistake about it; Biden and Harris will definitely push some WTF authoritarian law to give police more power and to appeal to the GOP. It will be an extension to the PATRIOT Act (which Biden had a hand in writing himself) and calls back to when Obama added to it with the NDAA.