I think we all know this has been coming for a while. End of an era, folks.
They went from a very detailed investigation of the politics surrounding 9/11 and how the Bush dynasty was involved, on some level, but then went to some "jet fuel can't melt steel beams"-level bs in later episodes.
Why are there so many hipster takes about the pod? It's still entertaining. Were you hoping for them to get off patreon and lead a revolution?
Why are there so many hipster takes about the pod
Who is this person and why should I care about their opinion?
And what is this podcast and why should I care if they are libs?
Back when I didn't know anything about politics and had just started listening to Chapo I thought they were plugged in to something I could barely grasp.
Now I know they're just a bunch of hipsters mad they can't have a nordic system who all hate read the New York Times for fun. I mean, they'll occasionally have good takes but there are much better leftist podcasts.
we will reach our final form when we shed “chapo” from the site’s name and assume our final hexbear form
It's like people want a podcast to represent the most idealized version of themselves and replace real world political action, instead of taking it for what it is, a funny podcast.
What if we did parasocial relationships but its being a negative hipster who hates on people for social capital
OMG no! What ever shall we do? Thank you for the post, comrade.
But the new party declaration says that if you posted about chapo, you are a lib by definition, and so, off to the gulag with you.
Felix's dad's idea of 6 year presidential terms was pretty funny.
I will DM you about it. If I said its lib stuff in a vague way people wouldnt care but saying its lib stuff when Chapo do it gets jimmies rustled everywhere I say it
Trillbilly Worker's Party is much better, they are way funnier and generally not doomers. I actually joined the Patreon.
I really like the Trillbillies. Not sure if it's cuz I'm a hick from a coal town myself, but I just find that I laugh at a lot of things they say. Their takes aren't always the most in-depth, but I think their language is awesome. It's the only podcast that my pop likes, and he certainly isn't a bastion of progressivism, but they're real accessible for him. Highly recommend.
[Amber voice] "You don't hate Chapo, you're just mad that Felix sounds like he's constantly looking for crumbs in his pocket"