I found the question come up on both communist and anarchist subs, and the difference in responses was quite striking.

As a longtime PTSD sufferer who self-medicates to the hilt just to do simple things like fall asleep or leave the house, the idea that I would either lose access to, be forced underground, or prosecuted for my recreational habits terrifies me.

I understand the rationale is in a functioning communist state, I would no longer feel the need for those drugs. Does it follow the science of recreational marijuana, psychedelics, ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc.? Or is the ambition to ween everyone off? And does that apply for all manner of distraction and entertainment as well?

  • cum_drinker69 [any]
    4 years ago

    Unlike you liberals I have all the trust and respect for the working class as a suburban WASP mother has for their 15 year old failson. You think you're slick, wanting to be a functioning adult who can both work a job and do drugs in your free time like tens of millions of laborers manage under an oppressive capitalist system? Nice try pal, I know the only reason anyone would want satan's cabbage legalized is so they can sit around and play video games and shoot up mary jane in between their toes. Now if you'll excuse me I need to listen to some Phil Ochs records backwards to make sure the proletariat aren't listening to any subliminal satanic messages.


    If there's one thing you can take solace in it's knowing that none of these dorks making these proclamations will be in charge of anything more significant than a subreddit.