Tag urself I’m making weird noises and generally being annoying
Listening to Daughters (specifically their monumental You Won't Get What You Want album) is like... meditative for me. It's like a destructive interference wave for the chaos static that my ADD brain usually generates.
100 gecs is the first thing I thought of when I saw this lmfao
was dissociating to this while driving earlier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPh8NC-oS2U
Do you ever get the feeling that the system is specifically designed to be impossible for people ADHD and associated anxiety/depression to navigate? Oh you think you’ve got ADHD? Well prove it by doing all this homework! You know what people with ADHD and anxiety/depression fucking LOVE to do? Make a bunch of phone calls! You know what would be really funny? Lets force people with ADHD to show up on time to, like, 20 appointments - they’re SUPER fucking good at that I’m sure nothing will go wrong.
“We’ve placed the cure to ‘inability to navigate labyrinth syndrome’ at the end of this labyrinth, good luck!”
Yes: https://youtu.be/aKUdadCsuRE
Pretty sure this is all a consequence of the war on drugs too. Love too be a side effect of racist policy.
gang gang. i'm at the part where i had to tell the psychologist four times that no, hypnosis didnt work, and im not spending hundreds of dollars on your Special Omega 3 Pills. can we please at least talk about medication?? and she asked ME where I was gonna get the prescription from like uhhhh you bitch?? what??
oh shit I thought it was the other way around. hopefully this means my GP will be willing to help me out.
Yeah. Keep going through the motions. You'll eventually get what you need. Stay strong.
Still kinda weird a psychologist would ask a patient where they were going to get a prescription, presumably they would be responsible for referring their patient if medication would be helpful?
That's how it worked with my psych. She was like you have ADHD, and then she told my psychiatrist I needed drugs and my psychiatrist gave me drugs.
Damn, that's awful, sorry you're having so many issues. I basically went to my GP and said "hey I definitely have been living with ADHD for my whole life and I'd like an Adderall prescription" and he wrote me up for 10mg after I got bloodwork done and had an appointment to describe my symptoms.
That's how it should be for everyone, privatized healthcare is a fuck.
I feel for you. My psych tried to give me only bupropion and I was like this shit don't work. Then she gave me lots of adderall and my life got better.
all my friends are neurotypical and i get so self conscious and pick apart every interaction ._.
The fact that all the people I get along with the best have ADHD should've clued me in a lot sooner that I probably have it as well and might wanna get tested. But oh well, better late than never. Getting diagnosed and medicated was the second best thing I did to improve my quality of life; only transitioning beats it out. Fuck ever going back to being unmedicated, that shit fucking blows.
ive made it almost 20 years without adderall, i think i can get through at least another 20 without it
Suck a fuck if you don't want to hear me.
Also, miss beautiful psychiatrist, can you gib me more Addies?
Tweeting everything I think, except twitter is a hellsite so I usually just say it out loud or post it here
I'm all of them except for making weird noises and generally being annoying.