why would grocery store need facial recognition
This is the true power of automation. Without the human element it is much easier to advance a racist agenda and enact racist policies.
there was fucking wild story i saw on science twitter
(can't find it again though, maybe it was revealed to me in a dream for now level of trustworthiness), that some presenting woman image was enhanced with subtle horniness via ai upscale, so we get objectification for a price one as well**Found it
Your skull shape~ The Algorithm™ has determined that if we give you several electric shocks at random after you engage in undesirable behavior, you will be less likely to continue doing so!
If I have to sit through another whimsical, cheerful, ditsy ukulele advertisement from companies who in the end have ghoulish goals in mind I fucking swear
bong badong badong bobong!
(Me haphazardly attempting a ditsy ukulele commercial type beat)
whistle whistle
waay oh oh waayoh
stock video of 27-year-olds going on a road trip, an old couple hugging each other on a patio, a kid playing with a dog
life is beautiful. life is precious. here at Bthaghlmart we believe in pouring bleach on top of unsold yet still edible food. we pay our shop staff as low as legally possible and donate millions to the Holden Bloodfeast campaign and to the War Crimes foundation. the sun rises on a new day. the world is full of wonder.
klinky klink
waaay oh waayoh
The one I do tolerate is the soprano ad on life is too short. That was funny as hell. Someone described it as comforting to a blind man, terrifying to a deaf man. Yours just reminded me of that lmfao
With that high pitched ping ping ping sound in the background.
I'm starting to understand what frieza went through in HFIL. Its still fuck him though. When I send him back there the only chance of release is xeno wiping out this reality.
Showi think its a toy xylophone that you're thinking of. It all sounds the fucking same and it causes me physical pain.
Yes thank you I think that is the name. I'm too busy training to beat that idiot kakarot to remember the names
(https://yewtu.be/watch?v=jvvDEzfalCk&pp=ygUWQ3J5c2xlciBqZWVwIGxlY2ltZ3RvbQ%3D%3D) Don't look away. This is the future. This is what we have wrought
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
It'd actually be this tbh. Crackkkers love their apple devices and companies charge more if they detect the user is on an iPhone or Mac
$$$$ - white/EA/Indian
$$$ - rest of POC
With facial recognition couldn't you do fico check and adjust prices accordingly?
That would be insanely costly to do
Also credit scores don't correlate to income
Lots of high income people are in hella credit card debt and lots of low income people are very careful of their credit score because they need every little financial advantage they can get
My credit score is like 800 something and I have all of $500 to my name lmao
Impressive, I only paid with credit cards, never missed any payments for years and hovered low 700s the entire time until I was late on one payment and I dropped almost 100 points when I checked 3 months later lmao
What do you mean in the near future? It already exists, https://welldeserved.me/. Watch the reveal video.
- ShowIt's always the music. Shit seems eery to me. Just a soulless procedurally generated high.....
I'm pretty sure it's a comedy bit. They probably made the video like that intentionally.
It is, the end slate literally says "Winner of Comedy Hack Day San Francisco 2015"
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I sent a letter.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
surge pricing you into a shallow grave
cool stuff man i love the future
...so i sent them a
strongly wordedpolite and formally worded letterSurge pricing facial recognition cameras checking to see how bloodshot my eyes are to formulaically maximize the amount of money I will spend on shrimp crackers
If I had a super lib take and Adam quote-tweeted me I would commit sudoku