Yell the N Word at a black man begging you to come at him so he can shoot you, literally saying "Fuck around and find out"

Decide you don't want to fuck with this guy

Walk off and immediately pick a fight with the first person you see

Get shot



  • mick_nullen [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Lol no there are plenty of MLs who think violence is only justifiable as self-defense, is always tragic, and think that a movement animated by bloodlust will always fail to gain momentum with the working class. Plenty of Palestinian activists in Gaza organize along these same principles so don't hit me with "PaCiFiSm Is FoR tHe PrIvIleGeD" when being grossed out by people celebrating death. The Denver situation is funny and probably classifies as self-defense, but a lot of people here are giddy in a gross way that loses mass support.