Apologies for the delay but here they are. As per usual, if your pronouns aren't in the list, please comment them here and I'll see that they get added.

UPDATE: “Undecided” and “None/Use Name” have now been added.

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Do you NOT want to deliberately butcher the English language? What are you, a colonizer?


      Also I am close friends with the person who suggested doe/deer and doe has used them for a long time, and it absolutely shouldn’t be a big deal. Sure it’s strange if neopronouns are new to you, but absolutely not something you should make light of.

      This is not something new to deer, just to you. and if doe see this post all deer will see is their comrades calling deer ridiculous and I can’t imagine that’s feel very safe or welcoming.

        • QuillQuote [they/them]
          4 years ago

          You don’t need to understand why, you’d never ask anyone else to justify their pronouns or identity. It’s just because neopronouns are new to you that they seem strange, like maybe how non-binary or agender might seem or feel when you’ve never been exposed to it before.

          It’s not my place to explain for deer, but yes those are deer pronouns, and yes people refer to deer as such, as best they’re able to.

          I don’t feel comfortable saying more because I am not deer keeper or speaker, but the point is yes neopronouns are legit and should be respected just as much as anything else.

            • QuillQuote [they/them]
              4 years ago

              Why do some people need non-binary options? They don’t fit who they are, their identity, so they don’t feel comfortable within that binary. I don’t see a difference with neopronouns.

              Also if you’re asking in good faith about and don’t understand this, why the hell would you set it as your pronouns twice.

              That looks incredibly uncool from where I’m standing. Do you intend to mock?

                • the_river_cass [she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  my response from up thread:

                  yeah, the same way your name refers to you, pronouns do as well. both are also capable of gendering you. for example, I’m trans and I prefer to be gendered as a woman. same way, some NB people do in fact want to be gendered but as some gender that doesn’t fit within our binary – so there are no pronouns for them to use and they’re forced to create new ones.

                  but really, this comes down to really basic respect for the identity and self-determination of another person. it ultimately does not matter why someone wishes to be referred to a certain way. would you balk at addressing someone by a particular name? what if they’re parents gave it to them? what if it’s a joke in your culture but serious in theirs? why do you get to be the arbiter of how someone else is referred to?

                    • the_river_cass [she/her]
                      4 years ago

                      I'm having this same discussion twice:

                      how something is intended and how something is received are not the same thing. you might intend they/them to be heard as simply confirming the referent’s gender but I, for example, will always feel like an alien when I’m called they. he makes me feel like I’ve been punched. she makes me feel happy. one of these is correct, the others are wrong.

                      the same thing is true of people with genders outside the binary. if they/them makes them feel weird, why would you insist on calling them that?

                      the key point is that people outside the binary have genders, would like to be gendered, and the existing pronouns do not meet the bill because they either refer to binary gender or are neutral.

            • the_river_cass [she/her]
              4 years ago

              they make some people feel more comfortable. why do you need more than that?

          • joshieecs [he/him,any]
            4 years ago

            Seems like a big leap from specifying gender to specifying species. Otherkin identity is not gender identity. Really going down a rabbit/hare hole.

            • QuillQuote [they/them]
              4 years ago

              why are you looking for excuses not to support your comrade wtf

      • BioWarfarePosadist [she/her, they/them]
        4 years ago

        Unfortunately that could lead to a lot of (Attaack/helicopter) and joke pronouns. If you actually have a neopronoun contact TC69 and she can help you get it set up.

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      the cat ones aren't pronoun preferences as much as specifying a gender identity, which is 100% valid. the grammatical argument against them is pedantic and annoying.