In a lot of ways I kind of agree that a lot of people take whatever the viewpoint of bourgeois media as Inherently correct and that’s not super great. It’s like that “I’m a master of ethics watch this: whatever the law says!” Kind of thing
But nazis is nazis lol shut up cryptofash.
Before we could count on "Nazis bad!" because we were on opposite sides of the war. Yes it was shitty centrism, but at least it was as consistent as a broken clock.
anything crypto in that fascism is either cryptocurrency or cryptozoology
lol true
carrying water for nazis
anime pfp
I mean I’d say quacks like a duck and all but unless they’re actively wearing a nazi uniform anywhere else on the Internet than here I’d have to listen to a bunch of “you’re just assuming, maybe they’re just asking questions about making your own conclusions” lol
I mean, you'd get that response anyway because that nazi uniform "was just part of a historical reenactment" or a ContraPoints cosplay or whatever the excuse is, these people do not bother with sincerity.
Mothman is a Comrade
As are the Loveland Frogmen
Bigfoot is Libertarian
The Flatwoods Monster is totally a Nazi though
Don't worry, i don't have anything against cryptids, i was just thinking of this guy
This is what my thought cabinet does
Cryptid mentioned
time to rate them based on political ideology
CW child SA
Just a reminder that Indy isn't a "good guy", punching Nazis is one of his few good characteristics. He's a childremoved and a terrible archaeologist who steals peoples cultural artifacts bECaUsE tHeY BelOnG iN a MUsEum
Lovable Harrison “crashed my plane into an active commercial airport multiple times, including landing on taxiways instead of the actual runway, putting multiple other people at risk of horrible death, just to satisfy my own Hollywood induced God complex” Ford!
Maybe that nickname needs some shortening though…
Yup, it's referenced in the first movie, Marion was 15 and Indy was in his late 20s when Indy takes advantage of her
It's pretty blatant, Marion says "I was a child! I was in love! It was wrong and you knew it!"
Indy then blames her, saying "you knew what you were doing"
Pretty sure there are interviews where Lucas or Spielberg wanted her to be even younger
Lucas did. Spielberg talked him up to 15, but both agreed they wanted her to have been young, "promiscuous", and "she came onto him".
I've often said Lucas is about as close as you can possibly get to being a good billionaire...and that conversation about how they created Marion's character should tell you all you need to know on how far that actually gets you.
Half of modern nazis form their worldview from Hearts of Iron IV
Verhoeven himself openly regretted missing the satire mark with too many people.
That was pretty significant since that movie was such an absolutely blatant in that it was a satire i don't even know how anyone could misread it. Turned out, a lot of people apparently did a very stretching mind edits.
Oh and also Verhoeven said that and then made Dune adaptation, yet another book with horribly fascistic fandom missing incredibly obvious messages, and this time he didn't even tried.
In the (bad) Crystal Skull movie, he punches a communist, so I have to give critical support to the reply.
The tweet:
My girl Hayasaka doesn't deserve to be associated with this shit, fuckin anime pfp twitter nazis I stg
Warning: It's ALL nazis, the entire thread. Nazis all the way down saying heinous nazi shit, the kind that really just gotta get
My Twitter feed is super peaceful, so I always get blindsided by just how bad shit can get outside of my little oasis
why are these chuds so triggered by good old fashioned white straight male media from the 1960s?
This fascist would hijack the one character in that show that would benefit most from revolution.