I mentioned that I voted, and they naturally asked me who I voted for. I said, "De la Cruz. Third party."

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that?", one of them said, and the whole group looked at me a bit puzzled — so I reiterated, "De la Cruz, a third-party candidate."

"...Wait, there's a *THIRD* party?"

  • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
    4 months ago

    I like how you all assume I don't have queer or vulnerable people in my circle. I do. I might be vulnerable, too. You definitely might.

    Bruh lmfao yeah I "might" be vulnerable too for being a queer. Those of us most marginalized are the ones who are calling for political change, because the only way out for us is through. You get to paint yourself as "maybe" marginalized while some of us get called removeds on the street.