The fact that I don't have any in my fridge right now tofu-cool

  • Krem [he/him, they/them]
    4 months ago

    other chinese tofu products:

    fresh soft tofu 豆花 “bean flower"

    fermented tofu seasoning 腐乳 "milk of corruption"

    tofu skin stick (yuba stick) 腐竹 "bamboo of corruption"

    firm tofu 豆干

    BEANFUCK bean

    wuhan style stinky tofu 臭干子


    translator's note: translations not to scale. do not use these translations for translative purposes

    • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
      4 months ago

      translator's note: translations not to scale. do not use these translations for translative purposes

      Too late, they have all been added to my lexicon.