If, for example, you are at checking out at Home Depot and they ask you “would you like to round up your total to the nearest dollar to benefit x__________ charity” DONT do it. They are taking that money and donating it in their name and using that donation to be tax exempt.

If you feel so inclined, donate it personally and help hold these mega corporations accountable for what little taxes they do have to pay.

  • Coincy [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I think the idea is to not get duped and pay a corporations taxes with your own money

    • spectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I mean posting about it online and just kinda hoping everyone does it is a liberal mindset if we're expecting anything actually significant to happen. That's fine though, we are still living in capitalism and we gotta feel like we're doing something once in a while, even if a couple thousand chapos saying "no" at the checkout line is meaningless in the grand scheme.

      Many times more liberal is saying "yes" at the checkout line and thinking it's your good deed of the day.

      In short, I think you're both right.