I've always wondered if this was the reason some of the ruling class hated Trump even though he stands for the same things they do, and this is confirmation. They are afraid that Trump will embolden the left by being so obvious a symbol of US incompetence and the failings of capitalism.

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  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
    3 months ago

    I mean, I've said this to all my lib friends and it's made them step back a little bit because they all realize it's true.

    Obviously I don't support Trump, but there was a very strong energy in me that wanted Trump to win. The biggest reason being that if Kamala won, normal people would stop caring. As everybody on here says, everybody would have just gone back to brunch if Kamala won. Trump is radicalizing. Whether that's left or right depends on the person, but Trump's rhetoric will radicalize people