• SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      I think part of the reason this all galls me so much more than 2020 or 2016 is because liberals are MORE haughty and 'distraught' because their perceived better human being lost, while said better human being was in the midst of aggressively aiding an ethnic cleansing.

      i don't believe in the basic goodness of my fellow Americans anymore

      Where've you been for the last...ever, clown boy? Just this millenium, this country has:

      -Butchered Iraq and Afghanistan on the basis of lies for their natural resources and to sate bloodlust from 9/11

      -Helped butcher Libya and Syria

      -Is actively helping butcher Palestine while continuing to screw over Ukraine to spite Russia

      And that's just the wars I can think of offhand, and many of these 'basically good people' were fine with them! We haven't even touched on how inhumanely this country treats the poor, or sexual/ethnic minorities, how immigration (if you're coming through the southern border) is so deranged I'm pretty sure it qualifies as human rights abuse, the endless deceit...this country hasn't been 'good' for as long as I've been alive, and it will only be 'good' when it is 'good and dead'.

      • TheLastHero [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        Who could imagine the nation that engaged in indigenous genocide, racial slavery, indigenous genocide again, more slavery, regional imperialism, global imperialism, social murder, and then more genocide would be lacking in basic human decency?