Yeah but look at the background. Thats a depiction of a color gradient generated by sunlight refracted through atmospheric conditions. With clouds right there. It may as well be a rainbow.
Fucking DEI arm hair. DEI bangles. DEI watch. DEI glove. I’ve never seen anything in my fucking life
And that fucking sunset! Color gradients generated by light refracting through atmospheric matter!? Basically a rainbow. Fucking GAY. Why does every artist hate american masculinity,shoe horning lgbt shit into everything?
Can’t believe the wokes are trying to get us to have sex with MAMMALS now 🙄 is there any limit to their pandering?
on the one hand there’s nothing wrong w being a virgin but on the other lmao u fucking
nerds have never ever touched a woman hahahahahaha
We need to force feminize all male gamers.
Only way they'll ever learn what a woman looks like
"I want to play my pro US army propaganda game without any politics tyvm"
It looks strangely patchy, if that was my arm hair I would be worried
it me
I stopped when my partner asked if I had a skin condition
I think it looks patchy because it’s growing in random directions whereas arm hair usually grows in the opposite direction of the thumbs. It’s sort of pointing straight up and then curling over like grass. Also it’s not catching the light correctly, but it’s a video game so what are you gonna do.
arm hair usually grows in the opposite direction of the thumbs.
Holy shit you are right
I'm more bothered by how her arm is shiny as if its wet and/or she's sweating, but her arm hair is standing up as if cold and dry.
I think this looks bad, just because the effect looks bad.
Still really enjoying the chuds talking about this shit, because it's not a winner. No one outside their bubble gives a fuck and they ain't inflating the bubble.
Did yall see this shit?
You ASKED for hyper-immersive graphics, dipshit. Do you think people who make cartoonish games are rank-and-file republicans?
Need to have woke shit?
This is Call of Duty you goddamn dipshit, it's propaganda funded by the US military. It's literally everything you have asked for. Nothing will ever be too pandery for you, you'd even call the Turner Diaries anti-white because 'the system' posed any threat to the white supremacist protagonists AT ALL.