White nationalist Nick Fuentes was doxed on Friday in the fallout of his viral “My body, your choice” comment. Today, a 57 year old Jewish female journalist showed up to his house, rang the doorbell, and was maced and shoved by Fuentes. Cops and an ambulance showed up. Linked is her Facebook post. Details are limited because this is breaking.

  • macerated_baby_presidents [he/him]
    2 months ago

    In Berwyn IL, you can't mace someone who comes up to your door unless you reasonably believe they are about to harm you. However, the state usually only prosecutes really clear-cut and well-evidenced crimes, and usually not when they're done by fascists. That's why the responding cops just made him return her phone. Fuentes could certainly argue that he was in reasonable fear of harm, and Rose could argue that she was just there for a friendly discussion.