I know Neolibs are lanyard-strangled psychopaths, but jesus christ, we thought Hillary 2016 was devoid of policy?

The shit they screamed about Hillary being "the perfect candidate, aktually" and having the most "credentials" and experience was at least based on actual accomplishments (evil imperialist accomplishments, of course, but accomplishments, especially in her fanbase's eyes).

Now they're just sadly masturbating over things like "Joe Biden's dad drove a chevy thunderbird", "Biden's a jungle camo enthusiast", "There is no flavor of ice cream Biden doesn't enjoy", "George Takei and Biden were once at the same baseball game."

Trillbillies called the Democratic Party nothing more than a lifestyle brand at this point, and even that might be giving it too much credit.

This is all they got to be excited about. And they are so fucking pissed and so fucking confused about the fact that normal people aren't excited by it at all.

  • captchaintherye [any]
    4 years ago

    /r/neoliberal is a bit. Like I'm sure there's some participants there who don't know it's a bit. Definitely. But it was created as a bit and it's perpetuated as a bit.

    There's no one who likes Joe Biden this much. It's really just very very unfunny people, with basic-bitch politics, who around 2015-2016 got really annoyed by their friends and relatives who stanned Bernie Sanders on social media, and on some level they feel guilt after having had it pointed out to them by those lefties that they oppose poor people going to the doctor; and rather than change their views, they are retreating into an echo chamber, and channeling the cognitive dissonance into "humor" to dunk on lefties as a coping mechanism.