worker_democracy [they/them]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • I think about that too, but the more likely explanation is that this is the end result of any capitalist country with no left-pulling opposition, combined with psychopathic levels of individualist propaganda. Especially with the ideological threat of the Soviet Union out of the way, and Unions at home quashed, there is absolutely no reason in the minds of the wealthy to maintain a society or a state. Only the media seems interested in even maintaining the façade of a state. Fuck, even the elected officials can barely pretend to give a fuck anymore.
    Concepts like "civilization" and "society" and "public" do not exist in these people's minds. It's not their problem, it's not their concern, and because they run everything everywhere, well...

  • They still need surplus bodies to die in wars or it's slightly harder to justify buying all those weapons.

    They still need surplus bodies to shove into any nook and cranny they can't automate.

    They still need surplus bodies to scare us into submitting and working lest we end up in the gutter like them.

    ... I'm just not convinced they realize that.

  • worker_democracy [they/them]tomainVolcel Vanguard appreciation zone
    4 years ago

    "To solve the absolutely plummeting birth rate, Democrats proposed a bill that would launch a committee to investigate the possibility of using tax credits to incentivize large corporations into designating at least one walk-in closet a 'maternity room'. The bill was struck down in committee. This is NPR."

    Yeah no nothing's turning this shit around, because no matter how worried the ruling class is about birth rates, they're way more worried about giving workers a single fucking concession. I can't even envision a full fash America managing to pull off a Handmaid's Tale type system, because even THAT would somehow be construed as a too much of a handout.

    "Wait wait wait, the broodmare's wouldn't be paying for the kids they're forced to have?"

    "Well they wouldn't be paid a wage. They're slaves."

    "Well who's paying for the kids then? Shut it down."

  • Around 2015 I was a recovering AnCap who fell back into vague South Park Liberalism / Libertarianism. Seeing the open bloodthirst of Trump's election campaign (and the base of /r/the_donald specifically) kinda jump-started the empathy center of my brain. It was the first time in a long time I remembered "Oh, other people exist and don't seem to be having the same experiences as me... I should look into that...". Basically the vitriol and garishness of the Right under Trump helped me check my privilege for the first time.

    Then, Trump getting elected single-handedly convinced me American Exceptionalism couldn't be more of a sham and Capitalism couldn't be less of a meritocracy. I suddenly saw the rot, I could see the direction every part of this country and planet was hurtling toward and it looked like Children of Men at best... So I was radicalized and disillusioned then and there. The US wasn't "an ambitious egalitarian experiment with some forgivable mistakes", it was just a mass-slaughtering machine sucking the life out of everything around us. There was no Master Plan, there were no Great Men, there wasn't even an Illuminati, the problems weren't clandestine they were right in front of us, banal and broad as daylight. For the first time, I realized institutions weren't coming to save us, institutions I had assumed were fucking magic and full of Aaron Sorkin type specialists with their hands on the rudder. NOPE. That priviledged as I am, I had more common with sweatshop workers in Indonesia than I did with my employers. I realized nobody was coming to save us. (And with Bernie out of the picture, now it's safe to say nobody is coming to save us. I've lost any hope he could have anyway.)

    Was ready to be radicalized, and luckily, took an American History from Black Perspective course shortly after. Went from "We need to restore America to when it was good, to stop the Make America Great Again people!" to "America has literally never been good. There is no political party demanding Leftward change except that one they outlawed. It's all a sham, and everything I have to my name was earned by dice rolls on top of a mountain of skeletons..."

    Suddenly, it was like I could see the Matrix code. Every thing I was politically confused about was explainable with "Does this help the property-owning class make more money? That's why it do." Every shitty thing at work, every shitty thing outside, every shitty thing happening from top to bottom. "It's for the property-owning class. It's all being done for them."

    Having the most soul-crushing job on Earth at the time helped a lot. I was already thinking "Why is some trust fund baby in a suit the owner of everything a thousand engineers and technicians work on? How does this guy own this building if he's never even set foot in it? Why is he in charge of anything at all?" well before I read Marx.

    A harry potter themed explanation on the shortcomings of Liberalism helped a lot.

    That Socialism for Dummies video by Richard Wolff helped a lot too.

    A freaking civic option's flavortext in a Stellaris mod helped too. "Socialist Economy: The means of production are owned by the workers who use them. If you don't use it, you can't profit from it." That was my first "Oh, that's what Socialism is? That sounds ... great. Wait..." moment.

    Just seeing the differences between Liberals and any kind of Red in Kaiserreich helped too. "Sexual, Racial, and Economic Equality, Worker Co-Ops, and abolishing Landlordism ... versus ... minor banking reforms and feel-good campaigns."

    A picture of world leaders all sitting on toilets pooping helped shatter that weird Great Man idea I was raised on. Seeing a queen with her granny panties down as she stares listlessly at the toilet paper roll is ... well it helped remind me they're just human beings in fancy suits. They aren't geniuses from a crop of superhuman elites, they're just people doing what makes the most sense at that point in time for them.

    Took about a month from learning the correct definition of Socialism for the first time in my life to realizing I was a goddamn Red.


  • worker_democracy [they/them]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    No, no, the people exist to serve the elites, very specifically by voting for them. You're not supposed to vote for POLICIES and shit, you're supposed to vote to prove you're a smart and good person who picked the good smart one and not the loud scary one. Expecting politicians to do things for you just because you voted for them? Crass selfish populism.

  • This is how my brain operated when I was 18. "Oh it's so easy to live completely alone in the wild with basically nothing, why don't homeless people just build a house from some trees and rock?"

    It's what led my sheltered-ass brain to going full-on AnCap, every Ayn Rand book read, all friends alienated, total contempt for the poor before I had ever worked a job in my life.

    That, and I'm one of the fucking idiots who played Bioshock and somehow thought "Oh, it only failed because Andrew Ryan betrayed his own Free Market Principles, it only failed because it wasn't Free Market Enough."

    I outgrew it all in less than a year when I realized universal healthcare was just objectively superior by every metric and started realizing corporations were destroying everything with or without oversight, but then I was a feckless South Park Lib until Trump won and my faith in this shithole crumbled overnight.

    And then I saw that fucking Harry Potter jpeg explaining the shortcomings of Liberalism and watched a Richard Wolff video.

    Sorry for the backstory but I actually feel like a shit ton of recently-radicalized people have gone down this embarrassing-ass road or something similar to it. And remembering what we used to believe before we read Marx or saw a shitty jpeg or whatever can't hurt when talking to people who are still there. Some people are primed and ready, and just need the definition of Socialism explained to them properly once.

    am high, done ranting