I know Neolibs are lanyard-strangled psychopaths, but jesus christ, we thought Hillary 2016 was devoid of policy?
The shit they screamed about Hillary being "the perfect candidate, aktually" and having the most "credentials" and experience was at least based on actual accomplishments (evil imperialist accomplishments, of course, but accomplishments, especially in her fanbase's eyes).
Now they're just sadly masturbating over things like "Joe Biden's dad drove a chevy thunderbird", "Biden's a jungle camo enthusiast", "There is no flavor of ice cream Biden doesn't enjoy", "George Takei and Biden were once at the same baseball game."
Trillbillies called the Democratic Party nothing more than a lifestyle brand at this point, and even that might be giving it too much credit.
This is all they got to be excited about. And they are so fucking pissed and so fucking confused about the fact that normal people aren't excited by it at all.
The idea of 'completeness' is kind of interesting, in an American context
College admissions realize the bad optics of having only white men people attend a college, and under pressure add 'completeness'--an interesting story, a variety of interests, athleticism, student civic engagement, etc.
So, what, is an intellectual who doesn't play sports or have the time or interest in extracurricular resume-padding have a less 'complete' existence? Is there some kind of calculus one can do to determine someone's humanity and self-actualization at the wise old age of 18?
But this kind of meritocratic outlook probably appeals to neoliberals--the idea that every human is a walking resume, and that they can add shit to themselves like a character in an RPG to become more valuable and more of a benefit to society, despite that specialization of labor has done a lot more to drive civilization than having a multitude of 'hobbies' that not only mean nothing, but that you don't even like
I distinctly remembering listening to a self-proclaimed (later disavowed) neo-Nazi complain about growing up with ethnic minorities--to the effect of "I got good grades, I played an instrument, I did martial arts, how could I not see myself as better?" (This guy was a terminally online beanpole in his twenties at the time.) In the mindframe of seeing humans as just pieces to be slotted into a hierarchy, I can see where this thinking came from
This form of existence is just capitalist spiritualism. As capitalism vaporizes everything to dust and destroys the very world itself down to the metaphysical, there's nothing left but to preform for the devouring machine and hope it might notice you before it consumes you whole.
/r/neoliberal is a bit. Like I'm sure there's some participants there who don't know it's a bit. Definitely. But it was created as a bit and it's perpetuated as a bit.
There's no one who likes Joe Biden this much. It's really just very very unfunny people, with basic-bitch politics, who around 2015-2016 got really annoyed by their friends and relatives who stanned Bernie Sanders on social media, and on some level they feel guilt after having had it pointed out to them by those lefties that they oppose poor people going to the doctor; and rather than change their views, they are retreating into an echo chamber, and channeling the cognitive dissonance into "humor" to dunk on lefties as a coping mechanism.
Just ask them this: What if solve climate change just like how we solved AIDS instead? Even cold or herpes aren't solved.
That worldview has a convenient safety valve to explain why things are bad, and it's "Republicans".
When someone like Trump is the president or the GOP controls Congress, it's "Republicans are making the world bad". When the Dems are in power, it's "Republicans are obstructing them and preventing them from doing anything good".
C'mon man, a rising tide lifts all boats
If you're still stuck on land, you shoulda learned to code
The shit they screamed about Hillary being “the perfect candidate, aktually” and having the most “credentials” and experience was at least based on actual accomplishments
[Matt voice] NO IT FUCKING WASN'T! Her resume was middling at best, Bush Sr. as well as her husband had longer resumes and more experience, for example.
Looking back, I can't help but think that that myth came about because her would've-been predecessor was a junior senator who skyrocketed into the white house, and who happened to be a black man.
But for the love of God chapo, do not give credibility to this absolute fucking myth.
(This post says nothing about Biden, btw, that isn't the point.)
Edit: finally read the post, you cannot convince me that was not written by a literal child.
Sure, but how many countries did Bush Sr either bomb, coup, or invade during his time at CIA and while he had the helm in the Reagan Administration?
I swallowed Joe Biden's cum and it tasted better than anything I've ever eaten, anyone else thinking the same?
I read the most complete candidate as how Persians only allowed fully 100% complete people to become emperor. Even a scar could disqualify. You lost an eye an a battle? Tough shit, you won't become an emperor. I guess in this way Biden is pretty complete.
I hadn't heard that about the Persians but it's true about the Byzantines
They took that one from Persians.
From History of Wars Book I Chapter XI by Procopius of Ceasarea
And Zames, who was second in age, having had one of his eyes struck out, was prevented by the law. For it is not lawful for a one-eyed man or one having any other deformity to become king over the Persians.
And here is the oldest son of Persian emperor revolting and punished by being blinded https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoshazad
Browsed there just now, just one of the worst subs I've seen holy shit. It's literally just libertarians that vote democrat. Socially left, fiscally right taken to its logical extreme on both sides.
No? I remember two scoops, but I don't remember anyone other than T_D "losing their minds" over it.