I don’t hunt with them because I’m a veg, but I guess it’s nice to know that I could in the unlikely event that shit completely hit the fan in a way that necessitated that. It also just feels good to do something with my time that actually makes me feel human.

I’m sorry I don’t know what community to post this in. Feel free to correct me accordingly.

  • kilternkafuffle [any]
    4 years ago

    I don't eat meat, but I would if I hunted - and the hunted animals were at healthy/sustainable levels etc. Herbivores do breed until there's too many of them for the ecosystem to sustain and then suffer population collapse from disease/malnutrition, so they won't be missed and their lives up to that point would have been all natural. People hunting is a bit different from animals hunting because we have the choice not to, and that choice is to cause suffering... but other human activities like roads and agriculture and development also cause animal suffering, so maybe we wouldn't do it under ideal conditions, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to other immoral things humanity does.

    Industrial farming is incomparably more evil than hunting.

    • domhnall [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I completely agree. The main reason that I don't hunt is that I personally just prefer not to kill. I'm confident that I could if I had to, but until then, I'd just rather not.

      And yes, fuck industrial farming. I'm not under the delusion that me personally abstaining from eating meat in protest will have any significant impact, but at least I get a slightly cleaner conscience and a healthier lifestyle out of it.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      4 years ago

      The herbivore explosions are less common when they have a proper ecosystem with predators. The removal of wolves, bears, and pumas from North America has been a disaster.

      • kilternkafuffle [any]
        4 years ago

        True! There're islands where it happens naturally... The justification for hunting would be that we're just another predator - though one with the potential power of genocide.