
  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The “catastrophic” economic impact is vastly, vastly overblown by the Left. Plus, Biden is supposedly ahead because of well-off suburban whites, who definitely have not suffered a “catastrophic” economic impact in the past 6 months.

    Last I checked the **only ** demographic Trump was leading in was older white men without a college degree. You can argue semantics over the use of the word "catastrophic" but even well-off suburban whites who have maintained employment through this thing have still felt the impact....and given how spoiled they are any drop in their standard of living is viewed by them as "catastrophic". I know a ton of them who have been forced to take massive pay cuts...and trust me...they ain't too happy about that.

    And There's a distinction between manufacturing consent and just making shit up in the same way there's a difference between manipulating an election and outright electoral fraud.