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ok so we should just start to get ready for the next trump gotcha thanks bernie
You're thinking too small. Godzilla Don Trump Junior fights Mecha Hunter Biden.
The gun thing was boogie2988, afaik davie504's only crime is being unfunny
January 2025: President Joe Arapio is sworn in on a Bible made of immigrant skin. Nancy Pelosi says she looks forward to working with republicans to find common grounds and compromise
if only there was some kind of popular force that could have stood tall and prevented this wave of abysmal liberalism.
If jre fans think you're dumb than you are probably really dumb
If Trump can be president, there's literally no barrier to how dumb and shitty of a person you can be.
My first instinct is always that he's too much of a dipshit to hold it together - he's completely fluffed a few interviews by not understanding questions - but then I think, when has that ever stopped a candidate?
The fascist base is not dissuaded by nuance. All he has to do is make a couple more videos of him shooting lasers out of his empty eye socket and he's ahead of Carlson and Cotton.
pretty much a fascist dream candidate.
the guy said "the GOP is the party of Uber", he's a dumb neoliberal
When the US was pretty much an uncontested global hegemon, 16 years of which were presided over by democrat presidents, they did abosolutely nothing but heighten and accelrate every major contradiction dictating the course of history: imperialism, neoliberal exploitation and the climate change. Those days are well and truly over. The US is not in control of shit anymore and I really don't see how an expansion of medicare or a green jobs program is going to do damn thing to stop the continued heightening of these contradictions.
If Joe biden dropped dead right now and jesus fucking christ came down from heaven to be the democratic nominee, he could not revisionism his way out of this one.
man, this quote makes me scratch my head. what is he planning to do about this when his plan to influemce the cabinet doesn't work?
I still have a soft spot for Bernie and think he might have some of the most underrated political instincts out there...but MAAAAAAN...if you take him at face value he really fucked up the way he suspended his campaign without extracting any concessions at all. The most charitable way to interpret it is that they repeated it enough times he actually internalized the B.S. that he was partially responsible for Trump's 2016 victory.
The old man was useful, but he's not the fighter we need. We need someone who for better or for worse will commit to actually beating Dems. No holds barred, just promise us you'll hurt their party and extract SOMETHING of a win
I think a lot of people are overlooking how much covid factored into him suspending his campaign. Who in good conscience is going to have people go to the polls to vote for you in a already losing battle in a pandemic? The DNC was pretending that covid wasn't even happening whilst the rest of the world was shutting down.
Tom Cotton is such a pumped-up fear.
The republican base are hooting jackals in need of constant entertainment, that cuck can't motivate a room full of cokehead submissives. He's a total non-starter
Tucker is who you gotta watch out for, and even then I doube he'd want it
Whoever it is, it is going to be someone out of entertainment. For this reason, Tucker Carlson is more realistic. People know who Tucker Carlson is. Hes been on TV for decades. Nobody except the fash and Arkansas knows who Tom Cotton is.
There's an endless sea of goons in entertainment who will run Rep if the opportunity is there.
Watch out for President Vince McMahon
The MyPillow guy should be on everyone's radar as the front runner to win the Minnesota governor.
Democrats: we'd love to do those things, we promise, but we need to compromise with this Republican cabinet we have for some reason.
Let's be real, no matter what happened before 2016, no one could predict Trump and the era he inaugurated, maybe they predicted the general outline of a neo-fascist resurgence like we saw in 2015-2016, but never Trump
2016 was a world historical event
looks like he thinks Biden will win for sure so he’s allowed to say things like this again
he also said primary every Dem that opposes progressive agenda in 2021 lol
pre-Biden endorsement Bernie is coming back