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  • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The problem is that most Leftists are people who started off as liberals, and they just wish that the Democrats would do what they promise. The number of bonafide anti-capitalists out there is less than it was 10 years ago.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The number of bonafide anti-capitalists out there is less than it was 10 years ago.

      100% agree, which is why I doubt a lot of these new leftists that have sprung up in the past decade.....

      Seriously, what would libs do that is useful to our movement? A seemingly unpopular opinion is that the left should be focused around the working class, even though it's written in the communist manifesto. So many western leftists have bought into liberal ID-POL bullshit about the "white working class" and other made up terms that are used as subdivisions to divide the working class. The conversation is moved away from class analysis, cause the ruling class absolutely don't want people of all races and culture uniting under the same banner and waking up. That's why identity politics is shoved down our throats at every way we turn. A good example was when we had the riots back in June and the media worked in overdrive to divide it with ID-POL with talks about "white agitators" and "white anarchists". It sowed division among the protests and led to people turning over suspected anarchists to the fucking cops and was the first step in defanging the protests all together.

      This is why I say leftists should focus on trying to convert conspiracy theorists and other reactionaries to the left instead of ignoring them and allowing the right to brainwash them. Cause these people understand something is wrong with the world and they are pissed the fuck off at the government. If you browse their forums, they come sooooo close to understanding that the problem is capitalism and not some cabal of mythical boogie men screwing it up. Not only that, but these people are armed and actually will push propaganda, which makes them 10X more useful than some middle class smug liberal sitting on r/politics talking in coded language about how they despise poor people living in red states.

      There's also a lot of disillusioned military veterans who have been exposed to the system and the war industry, and they are angry they were lied to and used for the empire. These people also would be a lot more useful to us, rather than smug fucking liberals.

      • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Capitalism is a cabal of mythical boogiemen. The problem is that the "Left" is full of liberals who like the "nice" boogie men and they are easily conned.