Careful. If you say this around libs their heads could explode like in scanners.
aight man you do you. I live in california though where we have sorta-kinda-but-not-really direct democratic things going on and I like those so I'm gonna show up for that.
Not necessarily directed at you but if you live in CA the props fucking matter. Definitely vote on those, they will directly affect people's material conditions. Off of the top of my head you have Prop 22 which is Uber and Lyft (etc.) trying to gut workers rights (vote NO), Prop 15 which would repeal limits on property tax increases for wealthy property owners (YES), prop 25 which would end cash bail...and churn people through an algorithm instead(MEH).
Seriously to any CA lurkers, vote on the Props!
Big fan of propositions myself. I put the weasel words in because obviously the system has problems (seriously the wording on Prop 22 is a disgrace the vote yes campaign basically has flat out lies in the text on the actualy ballot) but one aspect of reformism I would really throw my weight into would be getting this kind of system nationwide. Imagine if the 70% of the country that want Medicare for All or to legalize weed or whatever could just do that.
Can the Supreme Court rule that a law calling for it to be packed is unconstitutional 🤔
Is prop 25 good or bad? A friend asked me and I didn't know what to say.
I can't say for sure either. Lots of Democrats are supporting it because ending cash bail is great, but then the NAACP and ACLU are against it because algorithms won't necessarily solve the structural problems that cash bail has. The GOP also opposes 25, but I'd guess it's because they think algorithms would be less "tough on crime".
Cash bail is the evil we know, and algorithms are the evil we don't.
Yeah I don't live in a state where major laws are decided by a mass of idiots going out and having to decode some legalise referendum.
Good luck to you.
Unironically, ballot measures are just about the most democratic thing we have in this country. Given that the policy preferences of the people have essentially 0 impact on the laws otherwise, they are probably a good thing in general.
Yes everyone dumb dumbs that's why we need to allow the ruling class to rule with impunity
i vote for people down ballot that have views i like. otherwise fuck off
I think I'll only vote primaries from now on and go from there.
theres a couple of comradesque people running in my area so at minimum im voting for them to keep running. i see voting as cheap advertisement for real left wing ideas
Down ballot is good, though.
There's probably some local measure to make things a little better, that big money interests are trying to demonize.
And some local measure to make things worse, for everyone except real estate developers, that big money is trying to spin as a good thing.
And things like who gets on the city council, or fuck, even the goddamn school board, matter a lot right now, because of covid.
They're none. I live in a state that does not allow referendums.
The mayor race is a boomer Democrat vs an anti mask anti science dem.
It's the opposite where I live LOL.
House district race is between 2 Republicans.
Mayor race, between 2 Republicans.
Only thing Dems are running in my state are in big cities and I don't live in any of them, and the usual governor and senator races that they aren't putting much effort into vs bat shit crazy GOP candidates.
I'm with you too. Not voting at all.
Boomer Democrat might suck, idk, not all boomers are bad, just most, but the anti mask anti science dem seems like they could potentially make your city or town far more dangerous if they get elected.
I mean, I guess that's lesser evilism, but I'd rather vote against someone who would make my town into a covid hotspot, or if it already is, make it even worse, than not vote at all.
Yeah so I forgot to get a drivers license for the state I live in so I cant vote, but if I had one, I wouldnt vote anyways, WEW
Kinda cringe ngl, down ballot stuff covers a lot of critical issues that will probably impact you more than 99% of what happens nationally. It literally takes like, 5 minutes to fill the ballot out and stick it in a box.
Oh hey. You knew more than I do about my down ballot I guess.
None of it matters bro. I've looked.
I was gonna vote but my mail-in ballot never got here and now it says I'm not registered anymore. Voter suppression wins this round