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  • ComradeKingfisher [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It is October 27th. It is my birthday. I have been on HRT for close to a year. I'm the happiest I could ever recall being. I've not sucked a dick nor left the house except for essential business since March. I watched a teen girl get shot in the face with a rubber bullet at my first real protest. I watched many more get snatched up by the riot cops, and helped to dearrest the few that I could. I've watched a quarter of Americans go unemployed and 200k+ die gruesome, unnecessary deaths. I've watched food bank lines stretch for miles as my fellow man goes hungry. I've watched landlords shed what little humanity remained and evict the most desperate in the middle of a crisis. I've watched as legislators fed us meager scraps as they made money printer go brrr for their precious line. I've watched again and again and again as cops spill the blood of innocents and are rewarded for it.

    It is October 27th. Joe Biden is still a rapist. There will be no stimulus bill until after the election. Instead, another ghoul sits in the highest court of the land. The White House has officially signalled their embrace of the herd immunity 'strategy.' The election will be not be legitimate. Even if Biden wins by some miracle and Trump concedes, nothing will fundamentally change. He is loading his cabinet with scum, he has signalled austerity as we enter into another depression, not having fully recovered from the last. He acknowledges that climate change is an existential threat, yet will not ban fracking. He knows how vital healthcare is, but refuses to even pay lip service to universal healthcare.

    It is October 27th. A man has been killed in front of his mother. No amount of cops getting bricked and run over, no amount of burning cars and stations will assuage a mother's grief. Instead, it is our catharsis. May all the stations and vehicles burn. May all their heads make contact with solid objects. May many more know the violence of being hit with a moving vehicle. May they come to know even a fraction of the pain, grief, and sorrow that they have inflicted indiscriminately upon us for hundreds of years.

    It is October 27th. Tomorrow I will head to get fitted for ski and snowboard boots in preparation for the slopes opening up. I will think about how each season has been worse than the last. I will wonder how much worse everything will get, how much time is left. How much longer before the trickle at the border becomes a massive swell as the consequences of our actions come to bear? How much longer before the concentration camps become out and proud death camps? How much longer before the internal climate migrants of the US cause mass upheaval? How many will starve? How many will die preventable deaths? How many will scrape by at the margins, all hope snuffed out?

    It is October 27th. We have been chained to tracks. A trolley approaches. Its front is bloodied as viscera slides off; its wheels are slick with flesh and juices. Off to the side, a man at the lever could stop it at any time, but doing so would cause the trolley company to lose profits. The man is a death cultist. He declines to pull.

    It is October 27th. It is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism.

    • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      happy birthday! :party-blob:

      its still monday at attu station, though, how dare you. these timezone agendists everywhere i look, smh my head.

      also the concentration camps already are deathcamps, as in, theyre committing intentional murders, just that no one is talking about it. so... yaaaay? :sadness:

      • ComradeKingfisher [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Thank you!

        To libs, the most you could get them to admit is that they're 'passive' death camps that kill by neglect, even though the neglect and outcome is intentional. For the average person to outright call them death camps, we'd probably have to see straight up kinetic executions. Which uh, I don't think is too far off, especially if I'm right and 2024 is a hard slide to fash as people get sick of Biden and Harris being as impotent as Obama but with none of the charisma, and who ultimately fail to properly handle the delicate situation that's landed in their unprepared laps. Extra Fash USA 2024 is looking like a real possibility, and so are those mask off death camps. :this-is-fine:

        • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          killing someone through willful negligence is intentional murder. courts have been very clear on that.

          the idea that there isnt murder happening that goes past that threshhold is absolute naivete.

          we know that people in custody are dying. disappearing, being abused, having forcible operations done on them...

          the death camps are already as mask off as the death camps in nazi germany ever were.

          edit: just... fucking :LIB:s will never admit that because it means admitting how complicit they are in genocide

          editedit: youre welcome tho. the whole thing drives me insane

          • ComradeKingfisher [he/him]
            4 years ago

            You could show a :LIB: a prisoner digging their own mass grave, kneel down, be shot, and have the camp guards kick his body into the hole he just dug, and the :LIB: would say that it is not a death camp, because death camps had gas chambers.

            When I was young and in school and learning about the holocaust and other genocides, I wondered how it could ever have been allowed to occur. Surely someone would stand up and say something. Surely someone would've come in and put a stop to it. I don't wonder anymore.

            • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              i wondered how it could ever have been allowed to occur ... i dont wonder any more

              mood. the biggest mood

            • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              When I was young and in school and learning about the holocaust and other genocides, I wondered how it could ever have been allowed to occur.

              For me, it was more how they could pull it off in practice. I saw the pictures from Mengele's laboratory, the endless piles of shorn hair, the mass graves, and i wondered "how could they find that many people to do these things?" These where atrocities as depraved as the deeds of the worst serial killer, but how many serial killers are there? Clearly not enough at any given time to run Auschwitz, let alone an entire country full of Auschwitzes. I looked at old men on the street, those old enough to have been in the SS, wondering if that frail, kindly septuagenarian could be a psychopathic killing machine deep down inside. If my grandparents' old friends, cheerful people in their sunday clothes, smelling of Kölnisch Wasser and mothballs, had been among the killers. It couldn't be that they had been born that way. Something had turned them. Not just a few, but millions of them. And many millions more to enable it. I wondered what that thing could have been, wondered what it took to make a man a monster and a state a slaughterhouse. And like you, i don't wonder anymore.