MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]

  • 24 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Germany has a fairly strong antifa, and antifascism is much more mainstreamed here than elsewhere, but we also have one of the most militant nazi scenes, and a real problem with nazis and fash-pandering chuds in the police, the military, the intelligence community and the justice system. It's a bit of a contradictory situation, really. The political threat from fascism is bigger in the US, or the UK, or Austria, or Hungary, or Italy, or probably France, where center-right parties have all taken a sharp right turn. That has, for the time being, been shut down here. But about 10% of the population are still very, very vocal right wingers whose families have frequently upheld fascist believes for a whole century, and another 10% or so are kinda sympathetic to this shit and only don't support it because they don't want some buffoon like Trump or Bolsonaro in power. Most of them are not gonna publicly stan Hitler, but we all know how serious disavowals from these people are. This place was the epicentre of fascism the last time it became a problem, so the roots run deep and it's hard to yeet them all.

  • Since then I have just been a neet. I am terminally unhireable.

    Even if that's true, what's wrong with that? I think we can all agree here that society as it is is a fuck, and that you do not owe anything to it. Being unemployed has been villified and publicly shamed for decades, for a good while it was, on the ideological side, the core part of the neoliberal agenda to plant unemployment as the biggest fear in people's heads. To make workers more reluctant to resign, to make applicants more desperate for jobs, growing the reserve army of labor and strenghtening capitals's bargaining position in job interviews. We've all sucked this nonsense up for ages, the resentment of "trailer trash" or "NEETS" or "Hartzers" over here in my country, the stories about "welfare queens" and "freeloaders", the fairytales about "bootstrapping" and "from rags to riches". It's a steaming pile of garbage. It's a proto-fascist, social darwinist false consciosuness brainwashing that we've all undergone. And let me tell you, for the unemployed there's nothing better than permanently disbelieving this shit. Your worth as a person has nothing whatsoever to do with how easily you can be integrated into a capitalist profit-maximizing scheme. You are a human being and your life is inherently valuable. That you quit two underpaid, high turnover service jobs years ago says nothing about who you are as a person.

    I mean, i could go and talk you through how to deal with a gap in your resume, or how to go about this job application shit in general, i've been there myself. But back when i was unemployed, accepting myself and not giving a fuck about expectations or about being valued by neoliberal society did me more good than any job application pointers. It's entirely possible that you'll never have as much free time in your life as right now, why waste it hating yourself? Tomorrow morning, monday morning, when i'm cursing capitalism in the rush hour traffic, i want you to sleep in, and to feel good about that. Because you fucking deserve it, comrade.

  • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]tomainU n i t y
    3 years ago

    I never stop to be baffled by the crudeness of necromantic procedures in America. They're literally still going for "just straighten the wrinkles out with a counterweight dangling from the back" when they run into the excessive skin growth problem, and they pretend it's the best thing ever, going all "see, you can even put runes on the counterweight and enchant it, and use it for a secondary melee attack." They turn the dark arts into disgusting butchery.

  • I've lost count on how many drugs i've tried over the years, but datura always was pretty high on my "i'm not gonna fuck with that " list. I mean, i always loved searching the archives on for "datura" and "train wrecks and trip disasters", there's always a ton of really wild stories coming up, stuff like "i later heard that i walked around the compound naked and told everybody i'm the terminator", but that's 100% not something i want to go through myself.

    The top trip reports in their section on datura have titles like "Eating bugs while my friends convulsed". Hunter Thompson and Jim Morrison agreed that it's the one drug you probably shouldn't take and they probably had a point there.