I got bored of attack helicopter memes in mid 2014 and left /r/Tumblrinaction

  • cro [he/him]
    4 years ago

    For me it started when the church told me people of other religions didn't go to heaven. I asked them "what if they're the ones who are right and we end up in hell for following a false god?", and only got a "lol we're right" as an answer. That day I stopped believing in anything the church and my catholic school said.

    I was a libertarian for a short while, but then I realized I didn't hate everyone else so I started reading about marxism

      • cro [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, my libertarianism was mostly fueled by the corruption in mexico's government. It made believe business were a better solution to societal problems. Now I'm working on an article linking perception of government corruption with economic inequality. I truly believe that is big business' new approach to weaken regulations