I think that may be a picture of Jacob Stuck? Holy shit either way.
Imagine if someone on the Left could energize the base like this. The sad thing is, it wouldn't be that hard because it's not like Trump has done much of anything for average people. But the Dems are playing oogie cookie with both hands tied behind their back while the Republicans dunk on them all day long. In fact, the only reason Trump is losing is because of Trump. No one gives a fuck about Biden - he's just not going to trip on his own dick like Trump does. Fucking pathetic.
oogie cookie
im not familiar with this one.
does it involve a glass of milk?
Dudes stand in a circle with a cookie in the middle jackin it. Whoever cums last eats it.
well thats gross, so, thanks for enlightening the class about this definitely necessary tidbit of knowledge.
My mind was free of the knowledge of it until I did a quick google search. I was familiar with the fun variation "Soggy Biscuit" before though, so I didn't lose much.
im going to not ask and then trepan myself an access port for some memory bleach :cool-dad:
I don't want to straw man frat bros like that... but having been around a few in my lifetime, I think they would be the most likely group of people to do that. Only after repeatedly saying "no homo" of course.
Seriously though, more than one frat bro has tried to show me self made sex tapes, I don't fucking get it, lol.
The sad thing is, it wouldn’t be that hard because it’s not like Trump has done much of anything for average people.
He's a celebrity that talks back to you on Twitter.
That's what a lot of people unironically want.
It's not just the movies. America is actually like this, isn't it? Astounding
Oh boy howdy. When I get home ill show you the billboard on the other side of the freeway. It just says make America great again, and it a full size print billboard.
If someone starts a Kickstarter for a some pro-cummism bill boards, I'll throw ya $10. Shit would be funny
I love this imma start looking into it when I get home.
My money is on it not being a bit. In the last 2-3 months, I've noticed a trend of Trump supporters making really overt displays of their love for Trump. In a state that Biden will win. One guy here has created a whole persona around his "Trump Truck". They just wanna be seen and signal to the world that they are a "Trump person" IMO. They love identifying with him, like how when I was a skinny unathletic kid in jr high I loved wearing Nike everything and basically pretending I actually was athletic.
Also, there's a certain type of Trump supporter that Jacob here might be. The young white guy who kinda sorta pretends to be a ironic with like American flag shorts and 'Murica and really overdoing it on the 4th July. They do it a little ironically except when you press them they really do think Trump is good and the US is the best country ever. Especially popular in places like Ohio and Illinois.
Farmers and weirdo suburbanites around here are buying like hundreds of dollars of (fucking hideous btw) Trump merch and flags to plaster on their barns and trucks. Huge fucking billboards in fields, either hand painted or printed. Saw one guy who had like a 4' x 8' printed itemized list of how Biden and Harris will kill babies and bring Socialism to the USA.
Well, Trump was tweeting and calling into Fox News going back to 2012 or whatever, but I get your point... they probably didn't have an opinion of him one way or another because he really was only known for "The Apprentice", really. Maybe if they were a little more familiar with him they probably just figured he was some New York dandy.
Funny enough, I've been familiar with him going back to the early 2000s. I usually pointed to his show as to an example of why "business" is bullshit. Generally saw him as a despicable person and it has bought me a little bit of cred in my social circle when I talk about him being an awful human being, since they know I've been ripping on the guy for like 15 years.
Right? A ginger in a Maga hat, shirtless in overalls giving us a flex? This is satire, but only we get it? This is serious.
It's not, I feel owned. He's serious, and yes that is him. Sadly, epic.
well that just sounds like commitment to the bit. is his facebook profile pic also shirtless-overalls? maybe with some sort of stalk of vegetation in his teeth? :fry:
I'm not gonna be happy if Biden wins, but I will be elated if these people lose.
OK, who wants to collaborate on some ads? I will put up $500 to run it on digital billboards until the election. I'm guessing Jacob Stuck used Blip for this? I'll keep searching for other options, but we could run some pretty funny ads.
All political ads must have a clear and legible “Paid for by…” statement from a legitimate organization. All campaigns must be for a cause or candidate No negative or potentially controversial ads will be accepted
That is potentially bad.
How about a "Trump Ended COVID" campaign? That would play really poorly in areas getting ravaged by it.
I'll throw in a few bucks if it's funny enough and there's some sort of proof/vetting.