No matter if we win or not :

  • The "City" in the heart of London will one day be naught but rubble ...
  • ... as will the remains of all monarchies, be it palaces and castles
  • The war criminals will die, so will the tyrants, the slavers, the religious nutjobs, the capitalists. No matter how hard they try, their world will collapse, because it is not sustainable.
  • Capitalism will die as well, alongside fascism. An idea that is irrelevant and not thought about anymore simply fades away.
  • Neoliberals will watch their world die as their failure of an ideology dies with them, and they will most likely get to experience the slow end of civilization as their idols run off to their bunkers
  • Nature will heal, as it always did, and most of the polution we caused will go away with the centuries and millenias should we fail to save ourselves.
  • Even if the billionaires manage to survive and get into their bunkers, they will be imprisoned until they die in a golden jail. If they escape Earth to live on Mars or the Moon, their "Rapture" will collapse because it is fucking dumb and can't sustain itself. There is also a good chance for them to get murdered by their servants/slaves/guards, or to kill themselves once they realize the futility of their existence.
  • Ultimately , the most horrible, wicked, heinous things we did will be lost to time, nothing ultimately matters in the grand scheme of things, history is but a construction , and our civilization may be looked at the same way romans looked at the pyramids should mankind survive the 21st century, as a failed experiment and nothing more.
  • xenobian [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    Its hilarious that people think the pedophiles will survive a civilization level collapse because they have a bunker. Really goes to show how narrow people's understanding is in terms of our interdependence (trying to avoid saying we live in a society)