Yeah, what the fuck?

Edit: I went to a socially distanced goodbye party for my friend and came back to a bunch of deleted comments

    • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I went up to stay in a cabin in Trump country recently and I put my white privilege to work by wearing work boots and an old hoodie from a construction company I used to work for. Blended right in, just tried not to talk to anyone incase they figured I was an antifa rioter coming to loot the ponderosa steak house

      • AbolishAmerikkka [he/him]
        4 years ago

        We shouldn’t have to go undercover in our own fucking country. These chuds need to be dealt with.

        • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah I mean I probably couldve just dressed normally and been fine but I'm paranoid. My car screams "poor urban white guy" and had out of state tags, which I'm sure to more paranoid chuds means libtard at best antifa at worst. Plus I planned on doing solo hikes on trails that are down secluded single-lane gravel roads in the woods so I didn't want to have any reason to be followed lol.

          It is fucked up though. I was never a fan of super chud rural areas but I never felt like I was behind enemy lines before. Granted I wasn't always a Communist but chuds weren't always attacking and killing leftists either. It's honestly starting to feel like what it probably felt like going to the rural south during the civil rights movement.

      • poppy_apocalypse [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        As long as you don't put on your antifa uniform, chuds will never figure you out. My brother just bought a home from a cop who warned him about a few of his neighbors who supported BLM. My bro, while not a committed commie, is mildly left and has marched with BLM. Fuck, I once complained about my neighbor's lawn crew waking me up early on my day off while getting a haircut and was invited to a chud facebook group before I left the chair. They believe all whites think alike, unless you walk around with locs and bandana over your face.