He likes the perception of power more than power itself. He declares victory, gets it ‘stolen’ and then is ‘forced’ to leave. He then starts a media company or something.

He’ll lose MI, WI, and AZ. That’s enough to tip Biden over the edge

  • Reversi [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The true showmanship move would be "well, if you're going to cheat, I'm not even going to play" and go home. Then Trump will literally become too pure for decadent America and things get reeeeeeeal bad.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      If he was actually a smart fascist this is what he would do. It would be far easier for them to recruit if they maintained some false semblance of moral high ground and continued to paint Biden as a "degenerate" and also having the subtext of a woman of color in power to draw on that same Obama racial resentment that propelled shit like the Tea Party into power in the first place. Even if he doesn't seize that opportunity I fully expect the actual fascists to run with that sort of narrative if Biden wins.

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think this is possible.

    The one thing libs do not think about is that after Trump is gone from the white house, he's technically not out of their hair forever. Over 67 million people in this country voted for him. He's a LOT more popular than they say on the TV and mainstream media....

    He's in a position to pretty much replace Rush Limbaugh as the new conservative media personality who has a cult following. Dems lost the Senate and are hanging on barely in the House while Biden is also going to scrap through a close win for the white house. All this is setting up perfectly for the GOP in 2022 and going to 2024. They'll most likely sweep 2022 midterms and then for the next far right reactionary movement coming in 2024, Trump TV will be there to cheer it all on.

  • shitstorm [he/him]
    4 years ago

    People are really this afraid of America turning into a dictatorship when it was previously a... checks notes.. oligarchy.

  • machinegobrrrr [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    he will probably make a backend deal that they will pardon him and his fam and he will go away without discrediting the whole system

        • Keegs [any]
          4 years ago

          It's easy to forget but there's a voiceless mass who hate their landlords, their bosses, the banks, the corporations. Liberals just think these things need to be tweaked a little. There are people who've been burned by capitalism hard, if a solid base can be built out of even a fraction of them then real ground can be made.

        • notaliberal [any]
          4 years ago

          when they're not leftists and never will be, yeah, lol... it's a very good thing.

          look what they've brought us so far... a fucking hellscape.

  • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    I don't think he'll concede. I think part of him would be happy to leave the presidency but he's also afraid of prison. My honest hope is if it becomes clear Biden is going to win and there is nothing he can do that he continues to call it rigged and say he's won, then gets on a plane in January and flees to like Russia (he's too racist against China and I doubt they'd host him) and either declares government in exile or just hands over a bunch of secrets to Russia in order to stay and start a hotel chain. It would be so funny if you had a bunch of hooting chuds convinced the real president had been forced into exile in Russia and that him handing over defense secrets was part of some plan... oh fuck Qanon would grow like crazy, ah well.


      • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
        4 years ago

        It's a fever dream I can get behind. I don't consider it realistic but people on this site are always popping off with unrealistic fantasies. Do you deny it would be extremely cool and good if this happened?

    • notaliberal [any]
      4 years ago

      lol at anybody with power trying to send a former US president to prison.

      • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
        4 years ago

        The important thing would be him believing it. I tend to think it's unlikely as well but he might believe it a possibility.

      • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
        4 years ago

        Not from state crimes. Also liberals don't dream about US secrets being given to Russia. If you haven't noticed they kind of hate that place and have this whole crazy conspiracy about it. I chose Russia because he admires Putin and it's probably the only country on earth strong enough to be able to offer asylum to someone in that situation. Plus they would think it very funny to dump American secrets on the internet.

    • Qapron [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Couldn't he just, like, order the military to gift all of the nukes to Iran? I don't know how America works, but if he could do that they'd probably agree to build him a massive palace and give him his own TV station.

      A more realistic outcome is that he insists he was cheated out of victory, swears to get his revenge in 2024, and holds his first campaign rally to coincide with Biden's inauguration.

      • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
        4 years ago

        He could order them to do that but he'd be impeached and removed before they could begin loading the first warheads on a plane. Also the generals wouldn't obey it.

        The thing with him defecting to Russia is its implausible but not impossible. He'd only have to take himself, get on a fucking plane, make up some excuse about a foreign visit, head to Russia, step off the plane, hand over any documents he managed to bring or give a debriefing from what he can recall. It's really, really simple and only requires the cooperation of a pilot which he could always hire one privately if he can't take AF1.

  • notaliberal [any]
    4 years ago

    It's depressing how far right this community has shifted. So many libs here.

  • CEGBDFA [any]
    4 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      4 years ago

      i am always a huge fan when the concept of anti pope is in play like i personally don't understand how american catholics have not declared an anti pope yet

        • redthebaron [he/him]
          4 years ago

          it is just that francis whole deal makes me feel like he is the most plausible person for them to do this to because the whole jesuit stuff but yeah without like the bishops it fails it is actually PRETTY HARD TO SET UP AN ANTI PAPACY

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        4 years ago

        A lack of scrutiny into the ways that Trump enriched himself which are also, with a bit more discretion, used by the Dems?

      • notaliberal [any]
        4 years ago

        because they're on the same side. Biden tells you this straight up. They're not enemies. Their only disagreement is how to fuck us over.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    it's not enough without Nevada!

    oh, I guess he's up by 8k votes now in NV. we'll see

  • calmextex [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I think so too. He will cross his arms, throw a hissy fit, do nothing the next two months, and leave. He will start a new media company, be on TV constantly, and run in 4 years after the Biden lame duck presidency is over.

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      "I know Kamala sucks but we have to stop Trump from getting back in office."

      • CTHlurker [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I still subscribe to the Chapo theory that Trump has an inverse relationship with health. If he ever eats a vitamin, he'll probably just croak, but he can keep chugging milkshakes and mcdonalds for the next century.

  • duck [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    He also needs Nevada which is very close and would bring him to 270. My favourite scenario because it's literally the least he can win by because a tie would've made Trump win because gop has more state delegations in the house which would choose the president. Unfortunately they also have the senate which chooses the vice president so we wouldn't have Trump/ Biden or Kamala which is just objectively the funniest result nvm its the new representatives who vote for this so idk but probably still true. Hope he wins Nevada and not Penn :harold-manic:

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Na Trump has stuffed the supreme court with Trumpers

    He'll take it to the Supreme court, theyll rubber stamp it and the mail in ballots will be considered moot

    Trump will get it cos libs are spineless

    • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      I think there is honestly a good chance the SCOTUS refuses to save him. I think this is because he misunderstands they have no loyalty to him for appointing them, their loyalty is to the American liberal capitalist institutions and the capitalists they keep in power.

      I think enough injustices on the Supreme Court are going to be convinced by Roberts that they have to protect the institutional legitimacy of the SCOTUS over Trump and will refuse to intervene. Also Biden has talked about reforming the court but they know he's a cuck who will form a bipartisan commission and may not even change anything, if they try and steal the election for Trump the next person they get may not be and doing this for multiple states is a bit different than just one state and it may be too much and they may fear it will cloud their legitimacy which is already hanging by a thread with Democrats thanks to ACB's appointment. Doing things like overturning Roe v Wade and protecting corporate interests is more important than keeping in office the orange man who is bad at imperialism and threatening to rip down the stage curtail that hides the machinery to expose it as all nonsense. As an institution with power only by the fact that people respect it, it is very much invested in keeping institutional respect going.

      That said they could still do it but the way things are going they may not get to the case before Biden wins or gets enough votes that Trump has no path to victory remaining.

      • MerryChristmas [any]
        4 years ago

        I know how dumb this sounds but I'm asking it in good faith: how much do they really give a shit about overturning Roe v. Wade? Or I guess what I'm asking is, what's the material benefit of overturning Roe v. Wade? I can't imagine any of these ghouls are honestly defending or opposing abortion based on moral reasoning. It seems like politicians have a lot more to gain by talking about abortion than by acting on it?

        • Godzilla [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah I doubt they will outright overturn it. They will just uphold all the ridiculous laws that red states implement which will make abortion nearly impossible to access which will work as effectively banning it. It's a tool of the gop to get the evangelical vote more than anything.

        • Godzilla [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm much more worried about the labor rights and environmental protections they will strip away. They have actual monetary motivation to do those things. Nobody is going to get richer by overturning Roe v Wade.

        • notaliberal [any]
          4 years ago

          Overturning roe v wade would be killing the goose laying golden eggs.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I agree here. The election isn't as close for SCOTUS to really save him here. Biden leads the popular vote now by over 3 million.

        Trump has already served his purpose for the GOP by getting them 3 SCOTUS justices and being able to radically change the courts in general. They're playing the long game. Their future don't hinge on this.

      • GruttePier [any]
        4 years ago

        I agree. Why would they spend their political capital on Trump when the court is already majority republican.

        The ideal outcome for the GOP generally would be Biden presidency with at least a Senate majority for republicans: Trump is gone from office, Biden is stuck with the economic fallout from corona while politically unable to do anything substantive (not that he would either way).

        From what I understand the ideal situation is basically coming to fruition for the republicans.