completely serious, i know it’s lib shit but i just don’t know why.

i didn’t like biden or trump so i just didn’t vote nationally

    • gay [any]
      4 years ago

      I mean, maybe if it made sense

        • gay [any]
          4 years ago

          So you're focusing on one group because of your personal experience? All white LGBTs suck, they have no trouble being racist if it will make them feel more accepted by other white cishets.

          Seriously, singling out "gay men" won't help shit because they all hate us.

            • gay [any]
              4 years ago

              If you don’t think men are more privileged than women, idk what to say. If you don’t think cis people are more privileged than trans or non-binary people idk what to say.

              I said that?

              Or do you mean that them reading that will make them hate me?

              I said that?

                • gay [any]
                  4 years ago

                  That you waste your time by playing in their "identity politics". They don't care that they are gay men, they care that they are white and cis. They act like any other white and cis person will.

                  So if you agree with that what did your first comment mean and how was me saying that cringe

                  Because the same could (SHOULD) be said about white LBT people and cis LB people.

            • gay [any]
              4 years ago

              Is this about reverse racism