completely serious, i know it’s lib shit but i just don’t know why.
i didn’t like biden or trump so i just didn’t vote nationally
completely serious, i know it’s lib shit but i just don’t know why.
i didn’t like biden or trump so i just didn’t vote nationally
lol fuck off
You can look at reality and react accordingly, or you can cling to culture war whining like a lib.
These trends are staring you in the fucking face.
lmao youre delusional if you think attempts trying change a gendered language makes people fascists
Fucking lol
If you don't see the obvious parallel between increasingly precarious working class white men being turned into fascists by "blue hair tumblristas" and increasingly precarious class latino men being turned into fascist by "white libs calling us Latinx" idk what to tell you
This is a garbage take that ultimately boils down to throwing queer people under the bus to appease cishet men
We can talk about the predominantly-white liberal paternalism of "latinx" separately (and we have over many struggle sessions) but your point reads as "the existence of queer and nonconforming people are making Working Class Average Josés fascist like it did the Average Joes so we should be more reactionary about queer issues to cater to them instead"
You don't have to "abandon" queer issues to cater to working class men. You just said it yourself, a lot of "queer issues" are just loud, unrepresentative, Very Online shit that is an easy scapegoat. Maybe cool it with the white liberal paternalism, as you mentioned, it won't make you into a Nazi overnight.
Lmao blaming queer people and asking them to "tone it down" fucking sucks, maybe come up with a better solution than asking queers to assimilate and blaming them for being easy targets for the fash? Don't you think our lived experience has shown us that?
To your other point, if we had any control over what liberals did the left wouldn't be as weak as it is in America
Bro, you're going to end up exactly like the Evangelicals if you keep clinging to these academic totems of identity as some sort of all encompassing queer struggle. You sound just like some shithead pastor in 2008 worried that the GOP won't fight hard enough to keep "under God" in the pledge of allegiance. What happened to the evangelicals? They worship an atheist who's been divorced 4 times!
Ah yes the very academic totem of [checks notes] not telling queer people they need to be more palatable to polite cishet society so they don't fuck things up for the nazbols
I don't have a stake in the "latinx" struggle session, some of my queer Latina friends use it as an umbrella term, I think latine is also fine and it's not really my place to struggle that one out I just take my cues from the people I'm talking to. That's not what I take issue with.
It was just an example in your argument, which was "socially nonconforming people are easy scapegoats for reactionaries as part of the fash pipeline, so they should just conform instead" which is stupid for many reasons including that the fash will pick another target if the one they're scapegoating goes away or becomes more culturally mainstream. And telling people to not be themselves is extremely shitty.
"white people support imperialist fascism because they identify more with the colonizers than the colonized"
Fuck off nazi
Don't shoot the messenger, just keep seething while the multiracial "dudes rock" coalition turns us into Starship Troopers
look in a mirror, idealist
trying to smugly justify your confirmation bias to people who have read actual Marxist science? that's a paddling