I honestly can not say I have a deep knowledge of the Syrian civil war except for a few things.
Multiple groups including Isis and the Syrian army are involved, some of which are US backed
Rojava and the Kurds seem genuinely unproblematic and cool, and are currently being attacked by Syria and Turkey, and their support was withdrawn by trump.
The resulting refugee crisis is a big deal, etc etc. I’ve actually been fortunate enough to talk with several refugees as my mother works in local government helping sponsor them, and one family threw a party and invited us. The food was delicious, but I felt like asking a family who had just been reunited with a family member after years about the civil war would not be a good idea. So I can’t say I learned much from the conversations I’ve had.
I see lots of Assad memes. Is it ironic? Is it unironic? Is it a big critical support deal like Kim Jong un? What’s the consensus? Can someone educate me or?
The 2 Syrian communist parties are behind Assad and put out statements saying they have comrades in the Syrian Army
By 2012 the majority of the opposition went back to Assad as they saw Syria become a foreign proxy war
Assad has been leader during a time 42 armisa have had troops on Syrian soil
Assad has faced something akin to Stalingrad, the people are behind him and the 2 communist parties are behind him
Why wouldnt i support Assad
Edit: statements from the 2 main communist parties
When the Syrian Communist Party Unified or the Syrian Communist Party Bakdash are in a position to overthrow capitalism I willy rally behind those. However those 2 Communist parties have surveyed the local landscape of Syria and correctly identified the people are behind Bashar in a period where over 40 foreign armies have occupied Syrian soil in one of the bloodiest civil wars of the century so far
Statement from Syrian Communist Party Unified ( click for full statement I only copied the most pertinent bit )
Statement of Syrian Communist Party Bakdash
You have no need to, you just need to oppose US imperialism in the country
Being against the Iraq war doesnt mean you have to support Saddam Hussein, being against the Afghanistan war doesn't mean you have to support the Taliban.
Na i dont believe in that
All that happens is you get shitlibs go
"Oh so you support a dictator"
And you end up giving out some trotty arguement like "hes shit and terrible and i dont support dictators blah blah"
Much better to say Assad is great death to America
So its about optics more than actual principles?
Its whatever is most effective to support an anti-imperialist line
Ive no problem gaslighting liberals
Well, I'd say the allegations of chemical warfare would be a start. Again, this is just based on what I have heard. I'm still making up my mind on critical support here.
Meh maybe you shouldn’t unironically critically support him, he’s not a leftist. It’s more like one should oppose US/nato intervention and advocate for better refugee treatment. It’s much more consistent position and easier to argue with libs, compared to “Assad done nothing wrong” thought termination.
Assad has a higher approval rating than the majority of US presidents
Assad has done nothing wrong except defend his country against one of the worst crimes the West has committed this century
For someone who's "done nothing wrong" Assad sure tends to hang out with a lot of fucking fascists.
Also, homosexuality is still illegal in Ba'athist Syria and has been since 1949 with a penalty of 3 years in prison for sex acts.
Pretty sure "Human Dignity Trust" is a CIA front just by the name but they quote actual Syrian penal code which I couldn't find elsewhere in a hurry: https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/syria/
Edit: human dignity trust seems more likely to be MI6 than CIA but you get the picture
Did Assad write that law or did the Mps of parliament write them? :thinkin-lenin:
if you asked the average Syrian do you think they would have progressive values comparable to the West or reactionary ones given their economic wealth in comparison? :thinkin-lenin:
What part of giving literal Neo-Nazis medals and TV time says "has done nothing wrong" to you?
Given Syria and Libyas history (Libya financing IRA)its probably Assads way of fucking with the West and fermenting internal conflict to highlight reprobabtes like that in which case critical support for trying to fuck with the West
Critical support for ... David Duke? in his struggle against ... anti-fascism?
Approval rating in war-torn country is patently meaningless, of course after eight years of this bloodbath people would want to chill and return to some kind of normalcy.
And Ba’ath party was arresting communists in the 90s I thought? Also Kurds didn’t spontaneously rebel, they had some issues with him. And communist party supported (more or less) more autonomy for them, I believe.
Frankly, it’s meaningless argument I feel. As I’ve mentioned it’s better if Assad stays and gives concessions to saner rebel groups, then US overthrows him, put some mercenary ghouls around oil fields and funnel weapons around the state to keep divided people fighting over nothing, doesn’t make him a good guy. Politicians by default should be treated with extreme suspicion.
And now those communists are behind Assad
Its almost like when circumstances change so should your strategy:thinkin-lenin:
Well no shit, doesn’t make him a good guy (tm). Like do you think Chang Kaishek and kmt were good guys? Or they were the least bad option for early cpc to support?
Regarding chemical weapons reports:
That medium post is pure schizo ranting that hinges on "something dropped from high up would never bounce and then land near the spot it bounced from"
Opcw report was doctored by Yankee bastards
The head inspector came to the conclusion rebels did it yet bastard West doctored his report to say the exact opposite
This inspector provided a full statement at the UN to this effect
Dont trust western media