Permanently Deleted
I played for a while. Sucks that like 2/3 players on there seem to be reactionary/fascists
Shame you can't defect in the Cold War quest in order to uphold Marxism-Penguinism
God I would have already created a chapo cc already if my main didn’t get hacked. Really fucking miss the game but too scared to play lmao
wouldn't really help lmao, i got hacked for like 400m. appreciate the offer tho
another comment said they made a clan chat called "chapo"
So I just set up a CC called Chapo. If any newcommers to the game need some starting gold then let me know. <3
Edit: apparently its your username that is the clan name, Runescape is silly sometimes! CC: Utape
clan chat, click join channel, type Utape.
Apparently the clan name isn't what you type in, its the username of he owner... Runescape is weird sometimes.
fuck if theres a chapo CC i might reactivate my account. i've been feeling the itch for months, especially with the new league
first few months of quarantine I grinded mining until I could buy a bond with gold, it's much easier to make the 5mish needed once you access to members content so I've managed to keep membership going since then
I'm gruntled that my old account stuff is all on RS3 instead of oldschool. I know it was reset for balace, but I'd love to pick up where I left off. Otherwise I can't be fucked. I don't feel like grinding the early-game.
Lol my buddy got back into it recently too. Was showing all of us his Dragon Scimmy.