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Link to Megathread Part 1 and the rest of ScreamoBMO's incredible manifesto

Link to Megathread Part 2

Link to Megathread Part 3

Link to Megathread Wednesday 4th part 1

Link to Megathread Wednesday 4th part 2

Link to Megathread Thursday 5th

Link to Megathread Friday 6th



Hasan Piker | AOC | Woke

National Election Results

NPR | New York Times | Politico | USA Today / AP |Five Thirty Eight

    • LangdonAlger [any]
      4 years ago

      If they didn't care enough to find this new place, they're libs anyways

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I miss the high energy most of all. This site just makes me depressed whenever I look at it. Just endless dooming and the belief that nothing will ever be better. We CAN do this. Biden is a wimpy old man and we can bully him. We're not going to "push Biden to the left". We're going to FORCE him left. Building power under him should be slightly easier than under Trump. We have bought time until 2022, 2024. WE CAN DO THIS. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT LIBERALS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

      • spectre [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It think that the timing of covid really put us in the pits since it directly followed Bernie's loss. There was a sense of "where do we go from here?" that remains unresolved. I think that getting the election out of the way will help get people ready to do something. We just haven't picked our momentum back up yet cause it's been a miserable year that we were unprepared for as a political bloc.

        One key thing is that we need to get more specific than "do something about it" and give each other (across the online left and beyond) a direct call to action. "Volunteer for Bernie" was all over the old sub for like 6 months last year, cause it was something real and accessible. Ideally something of that sort will emerge in the next year and put a fight up to the establishment in 2022