This post may be seen as factionalism and not productive, but I figure I mine as well pose the question:

Are you planning on keeping a presence on at least a few of the subreddits and continue posting there while also building up Chapochat?

I had originally planned on just "cutting over" and leaving it for dead, but then I realized that there is a lot of potential for slow/steady growth if we had a decent userbase which was still active on various lefty subreddits. We could occassionally crosspost text posts from here and have discussion on those subs about whatever we're talking about here.

That should naturally lead to more users on ChapoChat.

Another thing is that I don't want spez and those fashlibs to feel any more satisfaciton in killing the largest leftist subreddit than they need to - as a full on exodus of the dirtbag left allows their neoliberal ilk to run amok on the platform moreso than in the past.

Having said all that, I think r/DemocraticSocialism has had a decent uptick in activity since 'the ban' so I think naturally that is where a lot of the CTH refugees may have moved over to. They seem like one of the less weird lefty subs, in that they like to post memes and the mods don't seem like memes themselves, in that they are not overbearing from what I have seen.

Any other subs that you think are worth posting in these days? Personally my past experience with a lot of them has been negative, but maybe things have changed?

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Already engaging in crossposting, screenshots with watermarks including the address and generally bringing it up in comments.

    It is absolutely essential for the growth of the site. There were 150k people in the subreddit and it will take months to find and inform them of the new site. People are slow moving and have other shit they do. Gotta keep pressing, be consistent, keep posting, build it up.

    Consistency is key. Commit and make it a routine.