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  • MudasirSalmanOTP [she/her,any]
    4 years ago

    i also get fucking steamed when libs talk trash about melania. not bc shes a good person at all but bc they always shit on her for being a "slut" or whatever. libs always hate the right people for the wrong fucking reasons

    fuck it this might doxx me (if there's one of my like 2 friends who also use this site) but i have to tell someone about one of the greatest things i own. this beautiful coin that is without a doubt made of at least 90% lead because it is HEAVY as FUCK . i saw it on fucking wish for like $4 after shipping and i drunk bought it and now anytime my partner and i have some sort of drug related dilemma (e.g. "do we roll tonight or naw") we let melania choose for us. we flip that lead filled coin and if it lands tits up, we do the fun thing, and if she's tits down we don't do the fun thing

    i fucking love my melania coin it really is one of my favorite things i own

    anyway fuck melania but not because she's shown her tits. more politicians should hang dong tbh. can't wait for younger millennials and zoomers to take office and public officials start having onlyfans as a normal thing idgaf.