The use of depleted uranium munitions has been fiercely debated, with opponents like the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons saying there are dangerous health risks from ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust, including cancers and birth defects.

  • ThisMachineKillsFascists [they/them]
    1 year ago

    So let me get this straight, according to you:

    The people that don't support either side of the war and want to end it as fast as possible through peace talks are evil tankies.

    And the bloodthirsty monsters that want to prolong a pointless war, arm Azov Nazis and kill as many people as possible with illegal inhumane weapons that scar generations are freedom-loving liberals.

    Seems like the tankies are the more reasonable ones in this situation.

      • ThisMachineKillsFascists [they/them]
        1 year ago

        This isn't a children's movie, there is no good guy in this war.

        No one fucking wins, if Azov 'wins' then Ukraine will become even more of a Nazi shithole and a husk of an economy as the US calls in all its debts. If Russia 'wins' then it won't be much better off either.

        Nobody wants bloodshed. Ukraine didn't ask for this war.

        Than advocate for peace talks instead of grinding more Ukrainians and Russians into paste, you bloodthirsty ghoul.

        But they're not going to give up and let Russia get away with a land grab.

        See? You do want bloodshed. You care more about dirt than human life.

        There are only two outcomes of this war: A bloody long battle where innocent people get thrown in the meatgrinder regardless of which side comes out on top, or we get both sides to stop fighting and do peace talks so they can compromise and stop the killing as soon as possible. Nothing good will ever come out of this war. It needs to end as soon as possible to stop the bloodshed. The concern here should be stopping the loss of life as soon as possible, not caring about lines on a fucking map. For supposedly being pro-Ukraine, NATO sure loves killing Ukrainians.

        1 year ago

        otherwise it’ll completely legitimise nations to start wars to take land for themselves

        Have you been sleeping for the last decades? There were plenty of wars. The US didn't stop them, in fact, the US started a bunch of them, and more were started by US allies, or waged with US help. The US supports illegal occupation ("taking land") all over, too.

        So is there actually any norm anyone adheres to? Seems to me the actual norm is "don't do anything the US doesn't like". It's got nothing to do with starting wars or taking land.

        • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
          1 year ago

          otherwise it’ll completely legitimise nations to start wars to take land for themselves

          no one tell this guy what a nation is it'll break his heart

      1 year ago

      The people that don't support either side of the war

      They (and you) are clearly supporting Russia.

      • ThisMachineKillsFascists [they/them]
        1 year ago

        If we're supporting capitalist Russia the same way NATO tools are supporting Nazi Ukraine then where are our comments saying we should send money and weapons to Russia to defeat the Ukrainian 'orcs', then? Show me where these pro-Russia comments are, I'll wait.

        Get real, none of us have said anything in support of modern capitalist Russia. We're communists ffs, would we really support the thing that killed the Soviet Union? Use your head.

        Next, you'll tell me that people against the war on terror in the Middle East were on the side of the Taliban.