Two videos posted online on August 23 show Greek members of the extreme right illegally “arresting” migrants in Evros, a Greek region bordering Turkey. The footage shows the militants forcing one group of men to sit in the dirt. Another group of terrified migrants have been crammed into a trailer. While members of the far right have carried out this type of illegal arrest of migrants before, it is rare to have footage of it. The attackers accuse the migrants of being responsible for the widespread fires in the region. These militiamen feel empowered by the political context hostile to migrants, say our Observers.

"Four more ... you see? It is noon and where are the authorities? [...] We will contact the police, but there is never any response,” rages the man filming a video posted online on August 27. While it is clear the video was filmed in the region of Evros, it’s not clear when it was filmed.

The man filming points the camera at four men, migrants, sitting on the ground in the dirt behind a Land Rover. Meanwhile, at least two other men loiter alongside the vehicle – seemingly in cahoots with the man behind the camera. At the end of the video, the man turns the camera on himself and you can see that he is bearded and wearing a black tee-shirt and camouflage pants.

The video was posted on social media by an account under the name Walandi Abrassis – likely the man who filmed it.

A video posted online a few days earlier shows a similar scene – albeit even more disturbing. The guy filming focuses the shot on his Land Rover, which has a trailer attached. When he opens the door, there are at least four men crammed inside, looking terrified.

“I've loaded up 25 of them into the trailer. Get organised, get them all out and grab them," he says. He seems to be speaking to his cronies about the migrant men in the trailer. "The whole mountain is full, guys.”

“They swore to burn us […] They will burn us, that’s all I’ll say,” he adds, this time referring to the wildfire that has been raging across the northeast of Greece, considered to be the largest ever recorded in the European Union. According to the local press, this video was filmed in Alexandroupoli, just a few kilometres from the Turkish border, the Evros River.

The website the Press Project later reported that these militia men had “arrested” 13 migrant men, not 25 as the man filming claimed. The victims told journalists that the militants had beaten them with metal rods.

“They took off all of our clothes and filmed us. We stayed there a long time, sweating and unable to breathe,” said one of the 13 men who was detained.

Greek authorities have put the man who filmed this second video under house arrest awaiting charges.

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    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Down vote me into oblivion if you want

      Reddit brained edgelords stop announcing their self-appointed martyrdom status challenge. Difficulty level, "I'm going to get downvoted for this, but"

        1 year ago

        The best part is when you pay to win and still get thrown to the back of loser queue with most of us. 0/5 wouldn't buy again.

        1 year ago

        Okay but what do you propose? Have everyone who wants to live in the west come over here and get citizenship? I wish that everyone would have the same level of prosperity as we have here, but that'll have to happen by making them richer, not by letting everyone move into the green area.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          1 year ago

          The West must immediately repay the Global South for centuries of imperialism and colonialism, with interest and punitive damages.

          1 year ago

          Yes. There's a system of global apartheid, where people in many regions are super-exploited and are forced to live precarious lives without human dignity, safety and their basic needs met. This system can only work due to people getting pushed back and murdered at the borders, and being discriminated against if they make it over the border somehow.

          The whole system needs dismantling, and getting rid of the borders is going to be key.

      1 year ago

      Lol, I can see upvotes and downvotes and nobody upvoted you, even yourself. *removed externally hosted image*

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Fascist terrorists are rounding up "undesirables" and your immediate reaction is to get mad at the victims for not doing the proper paperwork?
