I actually think I've only seen doritos once or twice in my life. I've seen mountain dew in the store, but not dorites.
@gwordcountbot @sandinista209 How dare you post this filth on my Christian feed
Thank you for the request, товарищ. sandinista209 has said the G-word only once, using its uncensored version.
The G Amer consumers have eaten so much sugar they have become the consumed
Do they have a 'mountain dew bottle full of pee' flavor? Or just fruity stuff?
I've had them, the former but not as bad as an actual energy drink. Interesting, though not necessarily something I'd eat again
G*mer gummies are a great idea, cause lots of gummies take a little while to chew, which hopefully means less time they are speaking.
It became apparent that the production of society at large was ruled by absence of plan, by accident, by anarchy; and this anarchy grew to greater and greater height. But the chief means by aid of which the capitalist mode of production intensified this anarchy of socialized production was the exact opposite of anarchy.
- Frederick Engels - Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (140 years ago)