Like, I see this very frequently here. People are making some really nasty "jokes" and endlessly complaining about white women and white girls etc, and it's just so obvious so much of the time that the "white" thing is just a facade to hide the sexism. Like seriously, when you make jokes about how girls fuck dogs or whatever, but you specify WHITE girls, it's still garbage incel humour. It's always white women this, white women that. Like, why do you feel such a pressing need to specify they're women? At times like this it just shows how male this sub is. And not just male, but also very white, which makes it even cringier when people do le epic white women thing.

  • PowerUser [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I think it's also important to recognise that white women are also singled out because liberalism feminism has co-opted the language of POC movements only to crush them under the boot of class and racism.

    White men are not singled out because they are so reactionary I would expect it's assumed as a default position.

    However I appreciate your post as constant vigilism is important

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's like when libs complain that we are always criticizing Democrats but never Republicans. Yeah, we know Republicans are shit, we're pointing out that the alternative is shit too.