So… any of you bears wanna help me out? Thanks!!

  • President_Obama [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Ait here's a list of a few leftist podcasts:

    1Dime Radio

    American Prestige


    Book Club Commune


    Cadre Journal

    Center for Communist Studies Audio

    Citations Needed


    David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles

    Democracy at Work

    Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks

    Guerrilla History

    Give The People What They Want!

    Historical Materialism Podcast

    Introduction To Marx/Marxsim

    Mass Struggle

    New Books in Critical Theory

    No Easy Answers

    People's History of Ideas Podcast

    Peoples Dispatch

    Pod Damn America

    Politics In Command

    Proles of the Round Table

    Radical Thoughts Podcast

    Radio Free Amanda

    Reading Capital With Comrades

    Red Book Club

    Red Library

    Red Plateaus

    Red Power Hour

    Revolution and Ideology

    Revolutionary Lumpen Radio

    Revolutionary Left Radio

    Red Menace Podcast

    Socialism for All

    The Antifada

    Socialist Revolution

    The Crimson Flag Podcast

    The Lavender Menace

    The People's Forum

    The Red Nation

    The Red Nation Podcast

    The Unequal Exchange Podcast

    The Verso Podcast

    Theory Underground

    Why Theory

    Working Class History

    Žižek And So On

      1 year ago

      I just wanna add my daily drivers rotating the same hosts around with different topics:

      Revolutionary Left Radio

      Red Menace Podcast

      Guerrilla History

      Also, big shout-out to Trillbilly Worker's Party!

      I don't know how many times I've endangered myself laughing while driving listening to them.