Try paying attention to how a president actually governs and how they've affected material conditions. If you look at it that way, Trump is at worst the level of Obama (who started 5 new wars), and several orders of magnitude less bad than W or Bill Clinton. Remember, Lincoln project wants to invade Iran/Vz/Russia. Fuck those war criminals

  • DankMemeTime [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You need to look at the big picture, as all presidents work to maintain the status quo and making it a verying degree worse. Like sure, Trump is bad because he maintains the status quo of American empire, but that's what a president literally does. You gotta look at what he's done to make things worse. Fascism had similar, if not worse, rises in popularity in the 90s with nazi punks and the rise of fascist shootings. Remember the Oklahoma City bombing? That was because of a neo-Nazi, Bill Clinton a few years earlier announced his presidency at a historic KKK site.

    One last question, do American lives matter more than Iranian or Venezuelan lives? Food for thought

    • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      No one else would even have attempted to start a war with Iran.

      Say what you will about Obama, he did pen the Iran deal and end sanctions. It wasn't a great deal, but Killary probably wouldn't have torn it up.

      Plus we don't know if anyone else would have succeeded in Venezuela. Don't erase their agency against empire. And they certainly succeeded in Bolivia, and Trump vetoed the bill that would've ended Yemeni genocide.

      He's fucking bad. His "incompetence" is the mostly the result of a long term decline in US power. One which he accelerated, but likely can't be reversed anyway.

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      About your last sentence, I'm not even American, I was born in and live in South Africa so I don't know in what world I would believe that. I'm just telling you what I see, and that's Trump finding a way to activate the fascists globally in a way I haven't seen before. I know people that never gave a shit about US politics suddenly saying they love trump. It's lead to a rise in white supremacist movements and fascists world wide, you've got le pen in France, Bolsonaro in Brazil, the afd in Germany and the VF+ in South Africa making unprecedented gains in membership and power. This is what makes trump worse, the enabling of fascist rhetoric worldwide as other countries follow the USAs "example".

      • nicewithit [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Trump didn't lead to the rise of Le Pen and Bolsonaro lmao, that shit was happening before Trump even ran for president. This is just a dogshit take that ignores all material reasons that we've seen a rise in fascism.

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I'm just going to tell you what I see as I can't speak for others. But in South Africa, after the end of Apartheid white people vote for the neoliberal party, the DA. However after Trump ran it was like a switch flipped in these peoples heads. I'm just going to say this to get it out of the way, but white South Africans are by far the richest group on the country due to apartheid. These people are still rich, and to claim they became fascists due to material conditions is legitimate class reductionism. They saw that it's now okay to be openly racist again and started voting for the VF+, what was considered a joke white supremacist party went from 0.1% percent of the vote to 5%. This is having a negative material impact on society as this party has taken over suburbs and is redirecting funding from communites that need it to their rich white suburbs due to their new influence. It's also caused the neoliberal party, the DA, to take a hard turn to the right and purge their black leader in order to try get their voters back from the white supremacist party, the VF+. Quite a lot of this can be traced back to a foreign influenced propoganda campaign about white farm murders, elevated by the US under Trump as a racist dogwhistle. Seriously there is no material conditions influencing these people to be facist, as I've said white South Africans are by far the richest group in South Africa.

      • DankMemeTime [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I don't wanna assume things but I think we've found the Afrikaner. This is a very white take