I’ve been dealing with a fairly aggressive Cold Warrior boomer from the US lately. When I counter their red baiting with criticisms of American liberalism, the person insists that they’re not actually a lib, but rather a Nordic-style socdem.
Does anyone guide me to any good communist criticisms of the Scandinavian capitalist states?
Pic possibly unrelated.
Thanks for that awesome response! Those are all great points, especially how people have almost no control over the conditions they live their lives under.
Edit: The point that it relies on natural resource extraction that can’t be replicated worldwide is also a great takeaway, thanks!
This person is a self-styled antiauthoritarian, so maybe arguing in favor of Richard Wolff-style worker co-ops might help get the point through to this person, and I supppose that society would be a giant leap past what we have now—even if it’s not as fun as being a tankie :back-to-me-shining:
Yeah, maybe Richard Wolff can be a gateway drug. He explains things in such an incredibly plain manner, and it's pretty hard to disagree with what he says—only with what he doesn't say. I don't think he talks much about the third world, and I'm pretty skeptical that worker co-ops by themselves can overthrow capitalism, since as far as I know that has never actually happened. So when it comes to his critique of capitalism, yes. When it comes to his solutions, no.