I’ve been dealing with a fairly aggressive Cold Warrior boomer from the US lately. When I counter their red baiting with criticisms of American liberalism, the person insists that they’re not actually a lib, but rather a Nordic-style socdem.
Does anyone guide me to any good communist criticisms of the Scandinavian capitalist states?
Pic possibly unrelated.
One of the points to help is that the Nordics were also similarly known for suicide before welfare policies took effect. Just that it didn't become a popular talking point until the 60's when Anglos started using it as a way to critisize welfare programs and any amount of planned economy, pushed by Dwight Eisenhower and his CIA pals.
Interesting. Yeah, I assume (but am not completely sure) that terrible weather must be a factor in any given country's suicide rates. I know that suicide tends to spike in the early spring here in the USA.
Here are some happy Finns from the late 1800s
Also, here's a poem all about that jolly, carefree Nordic living
Point is, life was kind of ass for the average person until the 20th century and we've had a propensity to be a bit grim way before the Nordic Welfare State became a thing