Fuck Yang lmao

  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's almost like austerity is a deliberate measure to try and kill off anyone that capital deems "unproductive" because of their physical, mental, and/or economic circumstances. I told this story before on chapo but my coworker once told me that we should force anyone on welfare to do pointless menial labour like shovel sidewalks in order to earn their means of survival, and when asked about disabled people he said "if you're not able to work then what's the point of you being alive?"

    libs are in denial about all of this which is bad enough, but these fucking sickos who know exactly what they're doing are a different type of scum.

    Sidenote but this guy also proposed that cities should privatize public transit so it "can compete effectively in the transportation market against uber and lyft." To do so he says they should separate the bus between first and second class seating with first class having things like nicer chairs and air conditioning while second class is just a normal bus. This guy is from a town of like 1100 people out in the berkshires so I don't think he's ever been on a city bus. On top of that just being a horrendously stupid and cynical plan, I hate it cause I can't drive due to seizures and thus HAVE to ride the bus

    I forgot to add: in the same conversation as welfare and transit, this guy BRAGGED to me that he wrote a paper in college about how slavery was necessary for the creation of modern capitalism. Like that's some kind of slam dunk that proves him right?