Hi, I'm budoguytenkaichi, and I'm fat.

And I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one here either.

On here, and much of the left, there's a prevalent attitude of encouraging "the swoletariat" or how "a fascist worked out today, did you?".

These things are not necessarily bad or negative on their own, but it should be remembered that people are deserving of respect and dignity whether they choose to get in shape or not.

I say that cuz, in addition to these views, I've also seen plenty of fat shaming and weight-based insults, especially aimed at chuds/libs we don't like, so that makes it "okay".

It doesn't, it really doesn't.

Remember that when you insult someone's weight, and infer that they're a "disgusting, worthless slob" or what have you, odds are there are non-thin comrades seeing that too and wondering "Would they think of me that way too?".

Us being overweight/fat doesn't make us worth less as human beings, whether we're being compared to those of average weight, or those with the physiques of Olympians.

I'll always remember how someone on the old subreddit basically told me that non-thin comrades should be excluded from all public materials/propaganda/etc. and hidden away, because apparently we'd "hurt" the cause just by existing and being acknowledged.

Fuck that.

Don't push away your overweight/fat comrades people, we want a better future just as much as you do.

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    4 years ago

    Also a fat and it's time to do one the three things I do a lot on this site which is overshare.

    I'm heavy yet mobile. I've been going to the gym since Trump got in office but covid. Miss those heavy weights, actually thinking of just making my own soon, and doing full body exercises. I didn't actually lose weight I think just got more compact.

    Growing up the stables at home were beans, flour tortillas, and rice. Meat was a treat on pay day and vegetables were rare. Mom would do the cooking but she worked so it wasn't something she could do all the time. Dad only knew burgers and everything else sucked. Fast food was also a thing because it was easy. Snacks were also plenty think ramen noodles and the like.

    We had a water filter system but a jackass uncle broke because it made too much noise. I know peeps say just drink tap water but when we did it made us feel off. Like our stomachs felt swollen. We had a small filter but that took to long to work and eventually broke. Bottle water never lasted so we drank soda. I know soda is meh but you can sell the cans afterward vs the plastic bottles. I still remember where all the best water fountains were in school through high school since I try to drink a bunch of water before heading home. 6 years ago we got a water cooler and now drink a lot of water whenever we want.

    We did exercise but as others know you can't outrun a bad diet. All this accumulated in me weighing 300+ lbs out of high school. I thankfully was never bullied or maybe never realized I was bullied. Friends or random people would encourage me or defend me from any comment about my weight, guess because I'm sympathetic and kind.

    But being big took a toll on my mind. I sabotaged myself from being in any relationship because I felt unlovable and ugly. There were several nice girls that were interested but I never reciprocated and played dense.

    I been taking steps in the last couple of years to lose weight like cooking and understanding sugar. Also been building up my self-esteem. Yeah I'm still big but I like myself, I can raise my head up and stare at myself in the mirror. Same with photos, I recognize and like myself. I'm a person with self worth and self respect and I recognize it regardless of my appearance of what other may think about me.

    What I'm trying to write with this mini manifesto is that I'm a person and so is every comrade regardless of their appearance. We have reasons why we are the way we are. We have sorrows, rages, and emotions about our bodies. We have things holding us down other than gravity. Shaming doesn't help because we live with shame, we know it all too well. Please be kind because we each have a story to tell on this hellworld stage directed by capitalism.