I know it's a dumb kids anime, but god damn it's so entertaining. I just got caught up to episode 953 (took me a whole year lmao) and now I'm watching the first season again on Netflix. That season one intro makes me so nostalgic I could cry!!
The character designs of Oda are really unparalleled and the early seasons are actually funny as hell. As far as messaging goes, I think the show is kinda confused because in one arc they'll be helping to restore a monarchy, then the next, aiding revolutionary fighters. Generally the crew seems pretty anarchistic tho in their fuck the Navy attitude and how everyone on board has a say.
The Wano arc is exciting and I wonder where it will go to next, Raftel maybe?? I'd like to see the straw hats interact with Shanks and his crew finally. What do you guys think?
the non-character okamas are def trash, especially all the ones from momoiro. Using sanji being transphobic as a gag was like Oda at his most yamato japanese. Crocodile, Izo, Iva, Kiku, and Inazuma are thankfully never used in this way.
I'd agree with Mr. 2, but him fulfilling both the male and female role in baroque works, because that's how he identifies was cool af tho for me back in the day. Then he gets scenes like this and I don't get how the fanbase hasn't been screaming 'mr 2 for nakama' since alabasta