• vsaush [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My local city's mayor has had a "zero traffic fatalities" pledge and goal for like 5 years now. Part of that was a big ad campaign about "beware the glare" (i.e. wash your windshield so you can see out of it in the summer). We also experimented with some pink shit instead of road salt for ice, it seemed to work about as well dont know how expensive it was. And we had a couple tests of 15 mph or something in some local neighborhoods.

    Now, because the city gave away some cool billions to a local billionaire to develop an arena and a couple skyscrapers downtown, we also dont have money to FUCKING PLOW. For some reason, the plowing can only be done AFTER it finishes snowing. You cant send out crews to start and redo during lots of snow - that would require money to pay contractors and rent plows and trucks, and no you camt just have a municipal workforce because theres never any money in the budget for services and they get cut because "they only work 4 months out of the year and we need to give out tax breaks." One year, it was something like 8 inches deep before they sent out crews. And we never have money for grating and blading (a big grater will come by and chop up ice and packed snow so local roads are bare instead of iced up) neighborhoods.

    And as you can figure, maybe traffic fatalities get reduced year over year for summer months, but it's a fucking wasted effort every winter if you're goal is to reduce fatalities because everything is icy and snowed over for 4 to 5 months.

    • Kresimir [they/them]
      4 years ago

      The one thing I enjoy about my city is that we have a massive fleet of snowplows. Every Street is done by ~8 in the morning no matter how much it shows overnight. Kinda sucked as a kid however, since it meant we never had snow days.

    • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
      4 years ago

      pointing to head meme if you have so much snow built up people can't drive they can't have any traffic fatalities