• happybadger [he/him]
    4 years ago

    first of all nice ad hominen nice red herring nice affirmation of a disjunct nice denying the antecedent nice illicit negative nice modal scope nice quaternio terminorum nice illicit substitution of identicals nice argument to moderation nice suppressed correlative nice definist nice equivocation nice motte-and-bailey nice etymology nice false attribution nice false dichotomy nice single authority nice middle-man nice if-by-whiskey nice inflation of conflict nice incomplete comparison nice inconsistent comparison nice lump of labour nice mind projection nice moving the goalposts nice proof by assertion nice reification nice retrospective determinism nice slippery slope nice special pleading nice petitio principii nice circular reasoning nice misleading vividness nice incomplete evidence nice overwhelming exception nice thought-terminating cliché nice cum hoc ergo propter hoc nice magical thinking nice argumentum ad lapidem nice argumentum ad ignorantiam nice argumentum ad nauseam nice argumentum ex silentio nice ignoratio elenchi nice argumentum ad verecundiam nice argumentum ad consequentiam nice argumentum ad misericordiam nice argumentum novitatis nice argumentum ad Lazarum nice argumentum ad antiquitatem nice argumentum ad crumenam nice argumentum ad populum nice ipse dixit nice bulverism nice chronological snobbery nice strawman nice tu quoque and nice vacuous truth. Where did you learn to debate? The idiot store?

    Second of all, why would I be driving a truck if I were not of the legal driving age? If I am of legal driving age I am 16. Webster's dictionary defines puberty as "the age at which puberty occurs often construed legally as 14 in boys and 12 in girls" which clearly states despite your fallacious attempts to smear me that I am older than the legal age of puberty. Good job liberal you've only made yourself look foolish because you rely too much on emotional reasoning.